This contest is now closed. You can see the resulting wing over at Wing Two!
placing | title | author | rating |
1 | Twin Notions of Catastrophised Time | Tufto | 29 |
2 | Enter the Garden | destinysday | 21 |
3 | The Cost of Living | Egileye | 20 |
4 | Honeyed Be Thy Name | Snapdragon133 | 19 |
5 | Worship Death | slurppp | 19 |
6 | On Salasar | MaliceAforethought | 18 |
7 | The Scribe's Last Journey | Maxyfran73 | 17 |
8 | So Our Love May Endure | Din-Bidor | 16 |
9 | The Bramble Hedge | IronShears | 15 |
10 | You Cannot Kill Me in Any Way that Matters | Plilt | 12 |
11 | Til Death do us part. | Doctor Pann | 12 |
12 | Built to Last | Nyelo | 11 |
13 | A Conversation About Being | Alexander the Jar | 10 |
14 | A Star Called Resurrection | Stygian Blue | 10 |
15 | Daphnis, Chloe, and the Cornucopia Eternal | goosefish | 10 |
16 | Basilica II | LAN 2D | 9 |
17 | Put Down The Phoenix | Linkinbrick | 8 |
18 | Mors Semper Vincit | Zikzargil | 6 |
19 | SOPHIA | Seraphannim | 5 |
20 | The Last Ingot | Trar | 4 |
Congratulations to all participants!
When I first joined the Wanderer’s Library back in 2012, there were probably less than 200 stories on the site. The entire community fit into an IRC chatroom with less than a dozen people in it. That didn’t matter much to us though – we were a close knit group who go to write what we wanted to with our friends, and that felt like enough. All of us wanted WL to be bigger, but we had accepted that it would always be a niche website.
The Library certainly still isn’t a megasite with tendrils all across the internet like SCP is, and I’m not sure how many of us would want it to be. It’s a smaller, more intimate writing experience. But we’ve grown a lot, thanks to the efforts of dozens of amazing people, into a site that’s fully come into its own – we’re not just a few friends hanging around writing about bread and alternate Soviet history any more, we’re a full-fledged writing community, and it’s wonderful to see that.
Now it’s time for the next step: our first 1000 contest, along with what will hopefully be the final nav overhaul that the Library has desperately needed for over a decade. I can’t wait to see what sort of directions this “second series” will go in, and I hope I can be around to build it with you all as long as I can.
- rumetzen
Theme: The Eternal Cycle of Death and Rebirth
The dark boy listened to everything and nodded. He looked around and said, 'Well Indra, I have to tell you… this is by far the biggest and grandest palace built by any Indra so far…'
Indra's throat constricted in his chest when he heard this, 'What…' He crocked and said again, 'What did you say?'
The dark boy said quietly, 'This is the biggest palace built by any Indra…'
Yes, other Indras, a hundred thousand million more, and a hundred thousand to million more to come, and all of them destined to from Indra become ants. This is the way of all things: to live, and to die, and to live again, forever. Is this not the highest form of suffering? Is not desire the center of all life, and all pain? Is there a way to free ourselves? Must we attempt to exit Samsara altogether, or can we learn to embrace the endless changing of the way? What does it mean to be reborn? Are the memories retained? Is the form? Can you find the people from your past life? Will you be punished for your sins? Are you even human? Are you even you?
Remember: Everything you submit has been written before and will be written again. All is dust in the ceaseless changing of the celestial wind. One day you will be the king. One day you will be the ant.
Posting Opens: 1/27/2022
Posting Closes: 2/28/2022 11:59PM EST
Results Decided: 3/18/2022 11:59PM EST
To Enter:
Post your entry to the site with the url '1000contest<yourusername>' with your site user name in place of <yourusername.> For example, if a user named TroyL were to post an entry it would have the url 1000contesttroyl. This page must be posted by you (or, if it is a collaboration, one of the partners). Add the tag "1000" to your entry so it shows up on this page.
The post that has the highest upvote total and the end of the voting period will have be given the FR-0.00 slot in the next wing. The nine runners up will be given FR-1.00 slot, then FR-2.00, and so on until FR-9.00. All remaining entries will be sorted chronologically starting from FR-0.01.
- Be good to each other, seriously.
- Placing is based on net vote total, in descending order.
- Any contestant who takes unusual and/or negative actions to increase their vote total, or decrease that of their competitors, will be disqualified for the involved contest and potentially banned from further contests (and possibly further disciplinary action).
- Examples of shenanigans include, but are in no way limited to:
- Downvoting all of your competitors' work within minutes of them being posted
- Spamming people with PMs about your work
- Spurring Malicious Upvoting/Downvoting, whether on your work or anyone else's
- Voting should be based on the merits of the article alone, not whether or not you believe it deserves to win the contest. Theme-related disqualification is determined by the contest marshals. Voting on a piece based on your desire to see it win or lose the contest is grounds for disqualification.
- If you're not sure if something counts as shenanigans, then it probably does, but feel free to ask one of the organizers.
- Examples of shenanigans include, but are in no way limited to:
- One entry per user
- Collaborations are allowed, but that will count as the one entry for all participants
- Pre-existing drafts are allowed, so long as they have never been posted to the wiki
- The theme shall be interpreted very broadly. So long as you can explain how your work relates to the theme as a concept, in any interpretation, it'll likely be accepted. The theme is here to inspire, not constrain. If you're not sure if it'll count, feel free to ask one of the contest marshals listed below.
- Edits to works are allowed.
- Contest entries will undergo normal deletion processes.
- All Contest Marshals have the ability to disqualify entries for violations of the above-listed rules, egregiously poor sportsmanship not otherwise enumerated, or failure to fit the theme. All decisions are appealable to rumetzen and/or Rounderhouse.
Contest Marshals
Entries, in no particular order….
↬The Bramble Hedge, told by IronShears
↬Twin Notions of Catastrophised Time, told by Tufto
↬Built to Last, told by Nyelo
↬Mors Semper Vincit, told by Zikzargil
↬A Star Called Resurrection, told by Stygian Blue
↬Enter the Garden, told by destinysday
↬The Scribe's Last Journey, told by Maxyfran73
↬Honeyed Be Thy Name, told by Snapdragon133
↬On Salasar, told by MaliceAforethought
↬Put Down The Phoenix, told by Linkinbrick
↬Til Death do us part., told by Doctor Pann
↬Basilica II, told by LAN 2D
↬You Cannot Kill Me in Any Way that Matters, told by Plilt
↬A Conversation About Being, told by Alexander the Jar
↬The Last Ingot, told by Trar
↬The Cost of Living, told by Egileye
↬Daphnis, Chloe, and the Cornucopia Eternal, told by goosefish
↬Worship Death, told by slurppp
↬So Our Love May Endure, told by Din-Bidor
↬SOPHIA, told by Seraphannim