An Account of My Drowning
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Pain, even if it lasts for a Time,
Will never go numb or subside.
The Enlightened are the only Wanderers
who are beyond pain…
So long as they are occupied.

- Squid of Sydainay, an Enlightened; Calamari of the Wretched Luncheon.

My drowning? If you seek morbidity, there is elsewhere to look; both here below and up above… My sinking then. I suppose it was perculiar, though there are much more interesting things to share…

My back stung; it broke when water met flesh;
liquid, a solid when hit at speed.
The dark waves were towering;
though it is an injustice to compare any,
if only tangentially by name,
with the height of the Tower.

Back broken, and unable to fight to keep above,
I was at the mercy of the water's great recession:
breathing only as the waves readied themselves.
Bound in place was I to the lowest point
where I might be exposed to air.

Though in pain,
I took note of the peculiar fact,
and only after did I begin to sink,
as if whatever bound me in place;
whether it be the beast in the sky with my soul,
or some creature of the deep;
had waited for my recognition.

And though I struggled as best I could,
my head was pulled under the sea.


Under the waves now,
I hold my breath for as long as I can.
Still, I am bound by mortality;
eventually, a breath I take,
and water fills my lungs.

Though drowning, I do not die.
The pain is felt first in my lungs.
Now I thrash as inumerable,
glowing needles pierce my body.

Such is the pain of drowning.
Such is the pain I felt for a Time.

There is much more that I can tell you: anything you can ask, I have thought of… the Wretched Luncheon was recently, yes? How was the calimari?

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