An Account of My Life
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When I have follow'd in the footsteps of these greater men for all of my life; was subsequently crush'd under their feet;
'twas not 'til I had fell'n into the sea and was pullèd under, above me seeing those swirling things that dance,
that I realiz'd what it means to live up to what is expected of you.

- Siomin D'kiev, a Wanderer of the Deep Below.

Tell you about my life? There's so much to tell, I shouldn't very well know where to start. The most interesting point to most is surrounding the Spire and my subsequent fall. Though to understand that, I suppose, one has to begin with my father…

My father was not a kind man,
nor was any other man whom I was told to look up to.
I was born on a ship at sea,
upon which my mother had lost her life in giving me mine;
something that my father had always resented me for.
My mother was the greatest of my father's pride,
where my father was a very proud man;
the two of them, from what I am told;
by others and by my own retrospection while I fell from that spire;
had sailed the seas together for years and years, and had between them many stories;
perhaps to be told at some point in the future;
and despite the number of reports of their frequent, grandiose displays of love;
which, I might add, they made very public;
I was the first child that my mother was to bear.
And bear me she did;
with me, putting an end to her story with that of my father, as well as to her story alone.

So, as I said, my father blamed me for the death of my mother,
as one could now suppose he might.
Her death; directly a consequence of my existence.
To me, he lost his wife, his trophy, his Eve;
everything that she had then stood for in his mind:
the freedom from his father; an escape from his mother.
And over time, I grew to think myself a murderer.
And that was the responsibility; that was the weight;
I was to bear from the moment I was born and unto eternity now.
Perhaps with time, I will move on;
though a Time already spent sinking…
maybe not.

For the first of 25 years of my life,
never had I so much as seen dry land,
much less was I able to rest my feet upon it;
there was ne'r a talk of anything such as dry land to be had;
thus, I thought the waves of the ocean were all that was or would ever become.

Until upon the 13th day of the 9th month of my 25th year,
all of which were aboard the same vessel as my birth;
amalgamated with those which had been by us claimed,
A great black tower appeared in the distance, emerging from the horizon as a spire, piercing the clouds, its pinnacle yet unseen.
A great black tower that I would soon find myself atop, above the clouds, and facing was I, my father.
A great black tower that I would be thus thrown from;
by my father or by my own regret, I can't or shant recall;
as my soul was taken by a beast in the clouds.

A tower from which I would then fall for 25 more years;
my time spent therein to be detailed no doubt in the future;
until upon the 7th and 10th day of the 1st and 8th month of my 25th year of falling,
I hit the waters and a moment, only after,
did I sink as the light then faded away,
and all the darkness of Dreanackh and the pressures of the deep engulfed me.
I then went on sinking further, for a Time all unending and forever,
felt in its entirety; over in an instant;
until my back hit the bottom and a great thing swam above me and the Spire,
that was for a Time and 51 years and 6 months and 30 days above me,
cracked down the middle.

…Please visit me again. While I have grown consigned to my loneliness down here, company is always welcome. Recounting what I learned while I sank into this place is all that remains for me to do. Oh, and if you see Siomin, please let him know I am well. The sound that memories make is quite comforting, is it not?

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