Original Theme
Click here if the theme hurts your eyes
Through the Holloway Way
It was a small building deep within the woods; an old Victorian-era cabin. The leaves surrounding it had been raked into piles that smelled musty with spores and the tinge of decay. Slightly concerning but far from unusual considering who lived inside. The porch floorboards creaked, there was a piece of duct tape wrapped around one of the decorative columns, and while C. Ignota had clearly been cleaning they took great care to avoid disturbing the brightly colored fungus growing out of the wood.
The vinyl print shop sign above the door read "Ignota's Mycotherapy" with a logo of a deer and a link to a website listed below. The resident seemingly accidentally ordered it with a white background material and had traced around the design as best they could with black acrylic paint.
Through the front window, you could see pictures hung on the walls, a greater concentration of fungus, and spores floating through the room. Your appointment wouldn't be for another half hour but it's always fun to look at the new artwork.
>Go to the Waiting Room?
>Go to the Office?
>Go up the Attic Ladder?
Various Art & Animations
Filename: WLLogoIcon.svg
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: This Page
Derrived from: WL logo by Woedenaz
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-466 509 -706 795 -79 94 -171 203 -205 242 -47 56 -76 103 -122 205 -141 311
-235 587 -303 891 -71 319 -95 519 -95 790 0 136 3 163 19 195 11 21 47 118
81 217 185 538 433 846 1019 1264 l172 123 117 24 c188 38 261 43 572 39 246
-3 314 -7 410 -24z m-3325 -1183 c9 -27 55 -369 66 -493 7 -81 8 -191 4 -290
l-7 -161 -44 -18 c-169 -70 -226 -198 -275 -616 -13 -120 -13 -684 1 -923 l11
-181 -24 -18 c-13 -10 -51 -57 -83 -105 -32 -49 -104 -145 -161 -215 -103
-128 -149 -199 -203 -318 -35 -76 -41 -88 -108 -198 -28 -46 -59 -104 -68
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-100 -158 -196 -87 -89 -127 -123 -144 -123 -13 0 -22 3 -20 8 2 4 20 39 41
79 132 256 174 535 121 803 -35 173 -119 368 -213 492 -71 93 -208 218 -282
257 -35 19 -79 47 -96 62 -35 30 -68 41 -174 58 -122 20 -182 9 -232 -41 -13
-13 -61 -45 -107 -73 -152 -90 -292 -248 -375 -422 -61 -127 -80 -211 -79
-353 1 -153 20 -231 98 -398 30 -64 57 -128 61 -142 15 -52 81 -165 125 -214
l46 -51 17 -190 c10 -104 20 -213 23 -241 6 -49 5 -51 -28 -71 -76 -45 -236
-183 -243 -210 -3 -15 -36 -58 -71 -96 -159 -168 -220 -344 -195 -557 19 -149
69 -322 285 -979 l205 -623 -19 -52 c-39 -104 -362 -1096 -405 -1242 -59 -203
-81 -351 -67 -459 20 -152 67 -251 184 -383 40 -46 80 -98 88 -115 15 -31 159
-154 233 -199 37 -23 38 -24 33 -73 -3 -27 -13 -135 -22 -240 l-18 -190 -40
-46 c-57 -65 -103 -145 -133 -231 -14 -40 -36 -92 -49 -114 -62 -106 -114
-299 -114 -424 0 -283 190 -601 455 -765 44 -27 97 -64 119 -81 52 -45 102
-54 212 -38 123 17 140 22 187 58 23 18 67 45 97 62 76 40 250 211 315 309 87
130 157 309 186 475 19 105 16 306 -5 412 -22 115 -78 275 -126 364 -39 71
-41 84 -12 84 25 0 260 -249 273 -289 26 -79 87 -175 205 -317 51 -61 109
-144 129 -185 21 -40 55 -101 75 -134 21 -33 48 -86 59 -119 26 -75 121 -243
175 -310 125 -153 166 -206 200 -256 21 -30 56 -71 78 -90 l39 -35 -10 -175
c-18 -276 -16 -811 3 -961 18 -145 41 -273 61 -343 31 -105 102 -188 200 -232
l53 -25 7 -154 c5 -96 3 -204 -4 -287 -11 -126 -57 -478 -66 -506 -7 -21 -356
163 -590 311 -337 213 -1019 784 -1467 1229 -151 150 -212 235 -487 681 -67
109 -147 230 -177 270 -73 93 -182 277 -364 612 -81 149 -184 338 -229 420
-45 83 -141 245 -214 360 -301 477 -464 704 -697 968 -72 82 -116 139 -108
141 7 3 72 7 143 10 230 11 447 39 788 104 163 30 196 39 191 52 -3 8 -18 58
-32 110 -23 86 -26 112 -26 275 0 123 5 203 16 253 8 39 12 72 8 72 -5 0 -67
-13 -140 -30 -237 -54 -581 -112 -907 -155 -112 -14 -134 -14 -245 0 -271 35
-800 134 -821 154 -26 26 -101 493 -121 761 -33 430 -41 695 -28 967 17 370
39 636 68 823 28 181 68 388 77 396 17 17 491 109 747 145 181 25 247 23 515
-16 290 -42 735 -126 846 -160 14 -5 15 1 2 62 -7 38 -16 131 -19 208 -6 151
8 274 45 393 17 56 17 62 2 66 -9 3 -100 21 -202 40 -257 49 -520 83 -742 97
l-188 13 54 55 c218 226 451 540 743 1004 54 87 113 179 130 205 18 26 80 137
139 247 339 630 470 857 571 992 36 47 97 138 136 202 39 64 136 220 216 346
l145 230 191 190 c201 200 421 401 745 679 304 261 593 473 842 619 105 62
419 227 432 227 4 0 10 -6 12 -12z m5847 -34 c445 -224 770 -448 1238 -853
298 -258 526 -467 696 -636 169 -169 171 -172 310 -390 77 -121 176 -278 219
-350 44 -71 109 -169 145 -217 103 -136 177 -265 589 -1023 98 -182 233 -400
445 -720 148 -222 284 -403 432 -573 55 -63 114 -131 132 -152 l32 -37 -122
-7 c-271 -16 -572 -56 -893 -119 -87 -18 -120 -28 -118 -38 0 -8 10 -49 22
-92 46 -173 51 -360 16 -545 -8 -42 -15 -78 -15 -78 0 -1 56 12 124 27 185 43
583 114 811 144 153 21 222 26 295 22 147 -9 645 -96 856 -148 l42 -11 21
-101 c67 -329 103 -679 126 -1232 11 -257 -33 -968 -76 -1240 -28 -172 -67
-368 -77 -376 -18 -18 -601 -127 -823 -154 -122 -15 -130 -14 -310 9 -311 41
-609 93 -847 147 -74 17 -135 29 -137 27 -1 -2 3 -37 11 -78 34 -194 28 -376
-21 -558 -13 -48 -23 -88 -22 -88 4 -3 398 -75 487 -89 148 -23 351 -44 494
-51 72 -3 137 -8 145 -10 10 -3 -1 -20 -36 -57 -215 -223 -451 -542 -737 -997
-54 -85 -117 -184 -141 -220 -23 -36 -84 -144 -135 -240 -303 -570 -467 -855
-567 -987 -36 -49 -102 -146 -145 -218 -44 -71 -141 -227 -216 -345 -127 -200
-146 -225 -277 -359 -140 -143 -428 -410 -645 -598 -63 -54 -165 -142 -225
-194 -229 -198 -569 -441 -805 -576 -138 -79 -400 -216 -405 -212 -5 6 -53
352 -65 468 -11 113 -14 410 -4 460 5 26 16 36 58 56 135 64 190 156 230 385
44 250 49 350 42 780 -4 217 -11 428 -14 469 l-7 73 34 30 c19 16 54 60 79 96
25 37 80 109 121 160 133 163 201 271 250 393 16 42 51 109 76 149 26 39 60
100 76 135 16 35 64 107 110 161 106 128 153 199 196 292 35 74 136 198 153
187 5 -3 17 10 29 27 36 58 96 111 119 104 20 -7 20 -8 -7 -54 -38 -65 -85
-182 -114 -283 -101 -348 -26 -756 192 -1046 74 -98 212 -223 290 -262 31 -16
63 -37 71 -46 25 -30 86 -53 171 -65 150 -21 196 -12 264 50 17 14 53 39 80
55 205 116 367 327 441 572 22 73 27 108 27 203 0 148 -28 262 -104 412 -18
35 -40 87 -50 117 -27 77 -84 177 -134 237 l-43 50 -21 216 c-27 273 -27 260
8 281 71 42 231 180 237 204 4 14 42 64 85 111 87 94 148 199 173 298 34 133
15 327 -58 571 -37 124 -321 994 -382 1171 l-36 103 185 562 c307 931 301 910
302 1117 0 126 -3 154 -23 211 -31 91 -83 173 -169 269 -40 45 -73 87 -73 95
0 17 -93 102 -191 173 -54 38 -79 63 -79 77 0 11 9 119 21 240 l20 220 34 35
c50 53 104 144 135 229 15 42 44 108 63 146 52 104 85 210 99 318 10 83 10
109 -5 192 -50 280 -221 526 -467 670 -36 21 -78 51 -95 66 -55 51 -97 58
-227 38 -95 -15 -153 -35 -192 -69 -17 -15 -53 -38 -81 -51 -71 -34 -244 -205
-314 -309 -70 -105 -123 -229 -163 -380 -28 -104 -31 -130 -32 -275 -1 -226
36 -387 135 -582 45 -89 46 -93 25 -93 -34 0 -269 241 -313 322 -51 93 -78
131 -175 250 -49 59 -88 113 -88 121 0 23 -77 174 -128 249 -27 40 -56 93 -66
118 -10 25 -25 56 -34 70 -9 14 -30 50 -47 80 -17 31 -78 114 -136 185 -57 72
-122 157 -144 190 -22 33 -55 79 -73 103 l-34 43 11 218 c16 319 14 738 -5
901 -21 187 -58 362 -89 425 -31 65 -118 147 -179 170 -44 17 -45 18 -52 73
-11 92 3 456 25 607 36 255 43 295 52 295 5 0 51 -21 101 -46z m-8130 -667
c-77 -92 -245 -312 -334 -437 -112 -160 -383 -631 -532 -925 -118 -232 -161
-330 -247 -566 -76 -209 -97 -244 -303 -504 -222 -279 -653 -731 -941 -987
-138 -123 -398 -337 -403 -333 -2 2 28 57 66 122 38 65 183 316 322 558 139
242 299 517 355 610 56 94 139 233 185 310 153 258 462 729 751 1146 109 157
225 328 257 380 55 88 69 102 218 223 268 216 646 494 676 496 5 0 -27 -42
-70 -93z m10603 -173 c83 -62 224 -173 314 -246 139 -112 170 -143 204 -198
21 -36 134 -202 249 -370 116 -168 235 -339 264 -381 123 -179 444 -687 621
-984 138 -233 678 -1164 811 -1400 8 -13 -3 -5 -203 161 -444 367 -928 870
-1247 1295 -92 123 -132 185 -151 235 -14 38 -49 132 -78 209 -28 77 -72 185
-96 240 -103 233 -366 716 -561 1030 -104 168 -335 479 -481 649 -26 30 191
-117 354 -240z m-2794 -2084 c288 -473 460 -772 717 -1245 74 -137 462 -875
462 -880 0 -7 -206 40 -211 48 -4 5 -12 7 -18 3 -5 -4 -68 4 -138 18 -96 18
-161 38 -258 79 l-130 55 1 39 c7 180 -93 677 -192 955 -64 179 -156 302 -266
358 -34 16 -67 30 -74 30 -11 0 -14 68 -13 366 1 201 3 364 4 362 2 -2 54 -86
116 -188z m-5201 -188 l1 -347 -64 -28 c-180 -79 -273 -256 -391 -747 -56
-231 -79 -374 -80 -497 l-1 -113 -119 -51 c-88 -38 -148 -56 -230 -70 -61 -11
-120 -23 -131 -26 -11 -3 -31 -8 -45 -9 -14 -2 -50 -8 -80 -14 -30 -6 -75 -15
-100 -20 -25 -4 -46 -8 -47 -7 -1 2 68 136 328 629 174 330 378 702 521 948
141 242 422 700 430 700 4 0 7 -156 8 -348z m1078 -262 c130 -140 287 -304
348 -365 61 -60 162 -166 225 -235 63 -68 181 -193 262 -276 l148 -152 -72
-43 c-97 -56 -234 -120 -340 -157 -290 -102 -557 -100 -793 7 l-69 31 6 278
c4 152 7 483 7 734 1 457 1 458 21 445 11 -6 127 -127 257 -267z m3215 -846
l6 -342 -77 -35 c-286 -130 -603 -104 -987 82 -66 32 -142 71 -168 88 l-49 30
51 44 c28 24 138 136 244 249 105 113 266 282 358 375 91 94 264 275 385 404
l219 234 6 -394 c4 -217 9 -548 12 -735z m-1458 -772 c439 -247 977 -341 1423
-248 l62 13 0 -40 c0 -48 47 -944 54 -1035 l5 -63 -92 49 c-51 28 -110 60
-132 71 -103 55 -441 190 -629 252 -116 39 -215 74 -220 78 -40 31 -187 70
-391 103 -186 30 -551 32 -715 4 -240 -40 -370 -74 -425 -110 -11 -7 -82 -32
-157 -55 -219 -66 -620 -233 -792 -329 -61 -34 -111 -60 -113 -58 -2 1 10 252
27 557 16 305 30 559 30 565 0 8 15 8 55 -2 188 -43 488 -43 739 0 309 54 622
188 930 399 l50 33 95 -64 c53 -35 141 -89 196 -120z m2479 -248 c67 -25 236
-101 376 -169 140 -68 298 -142 350 -165 52 -23 180 -83 284 -133 l188 -91 -8
-126 c-5 -69 -9 -242 -9 -385 0 -249 1 -265 28 -377 46 -194 59 -329 60 -583
0 -259 -15 -396 -65 -615 l-31 -134 7 -291 c3 -159 9 -323 12 -363 l6 -72
-173 -84 c-96 -46 -241 -114 -324 -151 -82 -37 -240 -111 -350 -165 -110 -54
-265 -124 -345 -155 -80 -32 -164 -70 -187 -86 l-43 -28 0 487 c0 268 -3 638
-6 822 l-6 335 103 65 c56 36 105 66 109 68 3 1 33 -30 65 -70 113 -138 255
-286 427 -446 169 -157 358 -322 368 -322 3 0 3 55 2 122 -2 68 1 211 7 319
l12 197 -243 243 c-134 134 -257 262 -275 285 l-32 40 180 190 c98 104 222
227 274 274 l94 85 -7 145 c-4 80 -7 227 -7 327 0 158 -2 180 -15 173 -27 -15
-277 -238 -422 -376 -148 -141 -246 -244 -355 -376 -36 -43 -68 -78 -71 -78
-4 0 -52 29 -107 64 l-99 64 -1 824 -1 824 55 -33 c30 -18 109 -54 175 -79z
m-5315 -714 l-1 -821 -22 -15 c-11 -9 -58 -39 -102 -68 l-81 -52 -64 80 c-121
152 -633 649 -769 746 l-25 18 -2 -232 c-1 -127 -6 -270 -11 -318 l-9 -87 279
-281 279 -281 -60 -67 c-86 -96 -343 -357 -427 -434 l-72 -66 9 -88 c5 -49 10
-194 12 -321 1 -128 4 -233 7 -233 10 1 221 187 395 351 100 93 232 228 295
300 63 73 126 145 140 160 l25 29 100 -64 100 -63 0 -826 0 -825 -25 18 c-43
30 -109 60 -239 110 -69 26 -203 86 -296 132 -94 47 -242 118 -330 158 -88 40
-243 112 -344 161 l-184 89 7 102 c3 57 9 218 12 358 l6 255 -32 140 c-46 204
-60 317 -67 530 -8 270 10 461 72 725 27 114 27 118 21 370 -3 140 -9 303 -12
362 l-7 107 129 61 c71 34 237 111 369 172 132 60 305 143 385 183 80 41 215
101 300 134 85 33 171 72 190 85 19 14 38 25 42 26 4 0 7 -369 7 -820z m2951
-378 c63 -12 147 -31 185 -42 39 -11 120 -29 180 -41 275 -51 569 -189 943
-442 85 -58 138 -100 144 -116 12 -30 15 -538 4 -587 -6 -26 -34 -48 -189
-151 -352 -234 -629 -363 -875 -409 -48 -9 -125 -27 -172 -40 -223 -61 -291
-69 -625 -69 -337 0 -387 6 -610 65 -60 16 -149 36 -197 45 -221 39 -521 179
-844 393 l-211 139 -6 114 c-9 144 -9 264 0 406 l6 111 200 134 c331 220 631
359 872 403 50 9 140 30 200 45 103 27 249 55 340 64 22 2 153 3 290 1 202 -2
272 -7 365 -23z m-2171 -1881 c32 -17 83 -44 112 -62 102 -60 532 -234 724
-293 78 -24 153 -51 166 -59 42 -27 189 -68 339 -94 118 -21 188 -26 375 -30
212 -5 245 -3 408 21 187 28 318 61 395 100 26 13 94 38 152 55 242 74 581
214 797 328 68 36 125 64 127 62 2 -2 -7 -193 -20 -424 -12 -231 -26 -484 -30
-563 -7 -140 -8 -143 -28 -138 -119 34 -399 52 -556 37 -416 -41 -722 -150
-1076 -382 l-121 -80 -79 54 c-406 279 -819 411 -1279 411 -161 -1 -321 -16
-397 -40 -14 -4 -17 9 -22 98 -6 87 -56 1012 -56 1024 0 8 11 4 69 -25z
m-1854 -1355 c17 -2 69 -11 115 -20 47 -9 133 -24 191 -35 58 -10 135 -32 171
-47 l66 -29 -5 -57 c-17 -182 136 -847 244 -1063 60 -118 151 -209 243 -242
l48 -17 0 -348 c0 -194 -4 -351 -9 -354 -5 -3 -9 -1 -9 3 0 5 -57 101 -126
214 -240 389 -472 794 -726 1269 -139 259 -398 755 -398 762 0 3 37 -3 83 -13
45 -11 96 -21 112 -23z m7435 40 c0 -8 -413 -792 -527 -1001 -206 -376 -374
-665 -611 -1053 l-131 -214 -3 129 c-2 70 -2 232 0 360 l3 232 30 6 c50 11
146 83 193 146 84 112 136 249 216 574 65 261 91 415 93 547 l1 107 71 29 c38
16 113 37 165 46 52 10 122 24 155 31 75 17 227 45 280 51 22 3 42 7 44 10 6
5 21 5 21 0z m-4900 -360 c63 -13 160 -40 215 -61 95 -35 328 -149 370 -180
18 -14 10 -25 -165 -203 -187 -190 -630 -652 -909 -949 -84 -90 -156 -163
-161 -163 -13 0 -19 1464 -6 1472 6 4 44 22 85 39 172 72 365 87 571 45z
m2536 13 c73 -12 137 -32 233 -72 l73 -30 -6 -181 c-3 -100 -9 -429 -12 -733
l-7 -552 -32 27 c-18 15 -97 97 -175 182 -174 189 -656 695 -877 920 -90 91
-163 169 -163 172 0 4 44 31 98 61 171 96 374 173 531 201 93 17 257 20 337 5z
m6416 -330 c-27 -46 -170 -293 -317 -549 -573 -996 -854 -1446 -1292 -2077
-228 -327 -284 -410 -318 -478 -28 -53 -50 -75 -191 -188 -269 -217 -501 -387
-682 -501 -40 -25 -35 -17 60 96 272 325 456 597 705 1043 212 380 348 674
459 989 32 93 51 127 122 225 331 455 817 963 1318 1380 98 82 180 148 182
146 2 -1 -19 -40 -46 -86z m-15609 -53 c492 -405 1028 -967 1335 -1401 71
-100 84 -126 141 -284 110 -306 212 -522 429 -911 269 -482 465 -770 751
-1099 36 -41 58 -71 50 -66 -8 4 -72 47 -144 94 -159 105 -281 196 -537 399
-154 123 -200 166 -215 197 -23 51 -131 216 -331 502 -285 410 -608 906 -771
1187 -51 87 -107 181 -125 210 -18 28 -136 229 -261 446 -125 217 -286 496
-358 620 -71 124 -132 228 -134 233 -11 20 20 -4 170 -127z m7910 -399 c205
-190 711 -742 1004 -1094 54 -65 144 -172 200 -237 92 -108 108 -132 164 -255
140 -309 233 -584 304 -901 67 -298 95 -536 95 -802 0 -115 -2 -134 -24 -176
-13 -26 -51 -128 -85 -227 -129 -373 -266 -591 -541 -865 -166 -165 -594 -489
-675 -511 -147 -41 -241 -51 -542 -56 -321 -6 -419 1 -602 39 -114 23 -114 23
-361 202 -260 188 -451 367 -614 573 -134 172 -230 357 -321 623 -31 91 -68
188 -81 216 -22 47 -24 63 -24 210 0 415 90 890 251 1322 136 365 194 475 331
635 63 73 147 173 188 222 293 353 796 897 1034 1118 l127 118 31 -26 c17 -15
81 -72 141 -128z"/>
Filename: endcard.avi, endcard.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://twitter.com/IronShears/status/1496924718540083202
Intro/Outro animation for my Book Club WL reading YouTube channel!
I managed to get a handful of variations for this one before surgery. Gonna correlate them to like… the… emotion… the stories give off? I think it'll be fun. Kinda like a subtle hint of what's to come!
Smoother animation here | Youtube Channel
Filename: ignotayt.avi, ignotayt.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://twitter.com/IronShears/status/1496571382532313088
Lo-fi beats to study to loop for my youtube readings! Honestly, there's a TON of SCP references in the bg here based on who responded to me on Twitter but… It's a WL character and YouTube channel so it's staying here. If you wanna know all the little references check the thread below the "smoother animation here" Twitter link!
Smoother animation here | Youtube Channel
Filename: snake.png
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://twitter.com/IronShears/status/1496972983331549212
Filename: lanternkoi.png
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://twitter.com/IronShears/status/1497010317984894999
Derivative of: Field Guide to the Shelves, Volume One by UncertaintyCrossing, Sebarus, and Avelon21
Lo-fi beats to study to loop for my youtube readings! Honestly, there's a TON of SCP references in the bg here based on who responded to me on Twitter but… It's a WL character and YouTube channel so it's staying here. If you wanna know all the little references check the thread below the "smoother animation here" Twitter link!
Smoother animation here | Youtube Channel
CSS Themes
Tiktok Pixel Process Videos
Process Video | Night Fishing
Filename: NightFishing.mp4, NightFishing.png
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7054409069162958085?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: Night Fishing by Stygian Blue
I was still trying to figure out how to do an explanation video with WL articles with this video so it's a little bit strange and more just… telling the whole story just shortened. I figured out pretty quickly that Was Not going to work. Both because it feels kinda weird and because TikTok's Algorithm does not like long videos.
Still, I LOVE the way this art turned out. It took me forever to get the waves nice and you can sort of see me struggling in the process video but it was very very worth it. I LOVE the themes and the way this whole story was written out. It's just really good.
Process Video | To Be a Porter
Filename: ToBeAPorter.mp4, ToBeAPorter.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7054409069162958085?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: To Be a Porter by UncertaintyCrossing
I think I got the style of videos down for this one. TikTok's algorithm seemed to like it a little better. Still, I don't think they're accustomed to WL stuff yet, But I'm going to keep brute-forcing it until people start talking about it because I've convinced myself I have enough of a platform to do so with lmao.
This is a very nice story with a very good emotional angle to it. It's uneasy but calm. Very fun and a start of a series!
I LOVE Delaney so much oh my god. Pubby. It was kinda difficult to make it look like an akita at this small of res but I think I got close enough. The main thing that kept bothering me was the tail.
Process Video
Filename: WL.mp4, WL.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7062287525984865582?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: Rounderpede by Rounderhouse, Malaise by rumetzen, R'lek by Snapdragon133, Uncertainty by UncertaintyCrossing, C. Ignota by IronShears
This piece turned out SOOOO good but it took me FOREVER to draw oh my god. I managed to fit so many characters in here that I was running out of room to put the credits and still fit the captions for the video jeez.
But yeah! This has characters belonging to Rounderhouse, rumetzen,Snapdragon133,UncertaintyCrossing, and me.
I also drew this bonus little thing of some random Serpent's Hand characters and some mall kids for a visual for the video.
Filename: mallgoths.mp4, mallgoths.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7054409069162958085?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Process Video | To Hide So Well, You Can't Find Yourself
Filename: ToHideSoWell.mp4, ToHideSoWell.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7064855475141152046?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: To Hide So Well, You Can't Find Yourself by Plilt
This article is extremely good. It's got such a down-to-earth viewpoint of something that seems much bigger and it's really fun to put the puzzle pieces together. The woods, the new coworkers. Someone in the video's comment section pointed out the foreshadowing of the eyes showing up in the mirror first and it just made me love the article even more. It's such a good article.
This piece turned out to be one of my favorites too. I did it at a slightly larger scale than the other ones I'd done prior and I think it paid off.
Each new WL video has done better than the last one now too. I just wish TikTok let you link things other than Wikipedia. Seriously, you get a violation if you even link anything in the comments. That's why the CC links are always the images themself. At least it's become a part of the art now.
Process Video | Conversations with The Serpent
Filename: TheSerpent.mp4, TheSerpent.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7064855475141152046?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: Conversations with The Serpent by Rounderhouse
I simply like her.
Process Video | Improvised Ragtime at Atrium 21
Filename: atrium.mp4, atrium.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7079517671066275118?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: Improvised Ragtime at Atrium 21 by Avelon21
I love the feel of this article and the fact that I can listen to a bunch of nice music too. It's really super creative. I was wanting to do it before surgery and just ran out of time so I guess I've been looking forward to it!
This (plus Whitney's comics on the SCP wiki) is what inspired my entry into the contest's format. I realized could just make art to go with a story! Which opened up a lot of brain energy because I'm first and foremost an artist that… also likes to write stories around my art. Which is something I can do here!
I guess I can also do it on the SCP Wiki(Whitney does) but you geeeeeeettttt iiiiiittttttt.
Process Video | Honeyed Be Thy Name by Snapdragon133
Filename: honey.mp4, honey.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7080716806675057966?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: Honeyed Be Thy Name by Snapdragon133
This article is NICE. This my favorite Wing 2 contest entry still even after reading most of them. I love the mood and the way the beekeeper is described as some kind of horrific eldritch being. I love how the bee tells you how reincarnation works in their colony in such a way that it's normal and casual for them. Maybe I also just like bees?
This is the first one I'm doing the new format with! I don't really have many people with enough free time I can ask to do voices for me so I'm probably not gonna be able to do many with multiple characters in em. at least for now. And I'm officially out of articles like that that I have already done art of… SO I'm thinking I do art of one WL article on Friday… AND release the longer format youtube video at the same time. Ye. Yea. Yeah.
It's a perfect plan, hand crafted to succeed. Because THEN people will see the video on tiktok and go "Oh yeah! There's a longer video on youtube. I should check that out" Maybe. People on TikTok have short attention spans. I think I got like… 100 more followers on Twitter when I first reached 40k on Tiktok and was advertising it every video. TikTok is it's own ecosystem.
Process Video | Sleepless Walkers
Filename: Sleepless.mp4, Sleepless.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7064855475141152046?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en
Derivative of: Sleepless Walkers by Din-Bidor
I don't even have much of a comment about this one. I just like it. I've got pretty bad chronic insomnia myself, at one point I was on like… 3 different sedatives… at once… and STILL couldn't sleep. So I guess I related.
Process Video | Enter the Garden
Filename: garden.mp4, garden.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7090296374377483566?lang=en
Derivative of: Enter the Garden by Destinysday
I somehow forgot to upload this one onto my artwork page after I made it! Which is kinda weird because it's one of my favorite ones. I think it turned out very soft and gentle. I like it a lot!
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