My works are currently undergoing/have undergone selective pruning for the betterment of the site: if you recognize differences in the quality of the prose, this is why. If certain works disappear from this list, you may have to reach further to find them. I am not as active as I once was. —Oligarch
Beyond time, there is a place. Beyond this place, there is a Library. Beyond this Library is a book. Beyond the book is a story. Beyond that story is an idea. Beyond that idea is a person.
There are infinite times, and infinite places. There are infinite Libraries, and infinite books. There are infinite stories, and infinite ideas.
But there are not infinite amounts of people.
People give meaning to ideas. Ideas give meaning to stories. Stories give meaning to books. Books give meaning to Libraries. Libraries give meaning to places. Places give meaning to time. Time gives meaning to people.
But there are finite amounts of people. When people let loose their meaning, reality looses meaning.
This website is a collection of people. This article is one of those people's interpretation of meaning.
At the ending of things, there will not be jubilation.
Not after the last person returns to dust.
Not after the first person is reborn.
At the beginning of things, there will not be jubilation.
At the end of things, there is the end of a beginning.
At the beginning of things, there is the beginning to an end.
There is no end. There is no beginning.
All living things must come to die, and all dead things must come to live.
In life and death there is jubilation.
"Life and death are two sides of the same coin."
Rejoice in life, and in death. Without both, there would be no people. Without people, there would not be this page.
NotAnOligarch's entriely arbitrary TOP TEN (editor's note: there are more/less than ten) BABY WOOOO in no particular order
Award one: the pretty pretty award, goes to "A Pale Petal, Adrift at Sea" by rosie/metledbee. Surprisingly not about nuclear bombs like usual… just kidding. I think its one of the most beautiful works on the website that I've read. Awesome job. Really, really, really, really quite good. I'd say more but I'd just be yappin' so yay moving on. plz don't kill me with a radiation gun
Award two: the haha face reveal award, goes to "Linus Daglen is a Hack" by Papagelatin (who forever deserves to be called by that username for life). AKAM80's ability in multimedia is unmatched. Wonderful. your prose is some of the most delightfully whimsical on the site. Makes my mouth bubble, if that makes sense. Which it doesnt: I never do. Ha, imagine having to endure multiple oligarch crits in a row. Takes some grit, ngl
Award three: the shhh award, goes to "quiet" by carolynn w. I'm sorry I forgor your yuletide gift that one time… overall a wonderful piece that I probably interpret different than how it was meant but you're dead anyhow so :shrug:. You're one of the greatest (no really) poets I've ever read. [insert poet here] eat your heart out (they can't they're dead ((or not as good idk)))
Award four: the wants to be poor forever award (just kidding!), goes to "Bloodfishing" by StygianBlue. He wanted the 'see, the sea' award but it doesn't exist and I must spite everyone who is a better author than I (so, everyone). My favorite author on the site, goes without saying. I read "throne of the usurper" close to when it came out and… it wasn't great but it hooked (pun) me real nice. I would give money to read Bloodfishing, but apparently that's 'evil' or something. Artists, amiright..?
Award five: the stoned lovers award, goes to "Volition" by Zipzipskins. Such a wonderful depiction of finding life (and love) in the simple day-to-day. Did you read Camus before writing this? This work breathes, in-and-out. Anyhow, I really liked it: what a great combination of arts! Watercolor, music, prose. A sweet symphony of simple joy. Crystalline delight. smth smth alr' take your plaque and go.
more to come, probably.
these are the most prestigious awards, ever. Hang them, framed, on your wall. Now.
NotAnOligarch is a fiction. Or perhaps not, perhaps NotAnOligarch is a fact. The moniker? No. But I am real, living somewhere in the barren reaches of South Dakota. Not glamorous, but there's something quaint about it all. It also has a big rock with some presidents on it. Plus it's virtually a tax haven, so that's a bonus. Thank you for reading my works; I don't really know why you're here but I welcome you. I write because I need to — if I don't scribble, I explode: there is a bomb planted next to my aortic valve and if I don't write every day it goes boom. Here's hoping you have many more adventures to come. Godspeed. —Oli
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