This is an aesthetic theme made by EstrellaYoshte, ported over from the SCP Wiki.
To use the theme, insert the following:
[[include :wanderers-library:component:space]]
An ornamental horizontal rule can be created with 5 hyphens "- - - - -" as above.
Titles can be created by putting between one and six plus "+" at the start of the line.
First Title
Second Title
Third Title
Fourth Title
Fifth Title
Sixth Title
This is a tab view.
Hey look, more text here.
How quaint.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.1
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is also a long tab. It contains a lot of text.
This is a blockquote, created by putting "> " at the start of each line.
More text
That's a horizontal rule
Nested blockquotes
This is a | table |
You should know | how to make these |
already |
Header font is Urbanist.
Body font is DM Sans.
Monospace font is Martian Mono.
Source Code
/* Generic Space Theme [2023 Wikidot Theme] Made and ported by EstrellaYoshte Based on: Oceanbound Theme by EstrellaYoshte */ @import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); @import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); @import url(';700&display=swap'); :root { --space-body-bg: url(; --space-header-layer-0: url(; --space-header-layer-1: url(; --space-footer-bg: url(; --space-blackhole: 0,0,0; --space-void: 22,23,33; --space-starlight: 255,255,255; --space-planet: 92,222,236; --space-nebula: 95,172,188; --space-sun: 255,191,165; --space-moon: 229,214,157; --body-font: 'DM Sans', Segoe, Segoe UI, Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif; --header-font: 'Urbanist', Book Antiqua, Palatino Linotype, Georgia, sans-serif; --title-font: var(--header-font); --UI-font: var(--header-font); --mono-font: 'Martian Mono', Consolas, monaco, monospace; --header-title: "Wanderers' Observatory"; --logo-image: url(; --white-monochrome: var(--space-void); --light-gray-monochrome: var(--space-planet); --light-pale-gray-monochrome: var(--space-void); --gray-monochrome: var(--space-nebula); --pale-gray-monochrome: var(--space-blackhole); --dark-gray-monochrome: var(--space-blackhole); --black-monochrome: var(--space-starlight); --bright-accent: var(--space-sun); --medium-accent: var(--space-planet); --swatch-primary-darker: var(--space-moon); --swatch-secondary-color: var(--dark-gray-monochrome); --swatch-menutxt-light-color: var(--medium-accent); --swatch-menubg-light-color: var(--white-monochrome); --swatch-menutxt-general-color: var(--swatch-menubg-black-color); --ui-button-txt: var(--swatch-text-secondary-color); --modal-body-text: var(--swatch-text-general); --modal-body-header-txt: var(--swatch-primary-darker); --modal-header-stripe: var(--white-monochrome); --hoverblock-header-bg: var(--swatch-text-secondary-color); --hoverblock-txt: var(--black-monochrome); --hoverblock-bg: var(--swatch-primary-darkest),0.5; --hoverblock-footer-txt: var(--space-nebula); --gradient-topmenu: linear-gradient( to bottom, rgb(255, 255, 255, 0) 0%, rgb(255, 255, 255, 0) var(--header-height-on-desktop), rgb(var(--dark-gray-monochrome)) var(--header-height-on-desktop), rgb(var(--dark-gray-monochrome)) 100% ); --hover-link-color: var(--swatch-primary-darker); --visited-link-color: var(--space-nebula); --rating-module-bottom-border-color: var(--bright-accent); --rating-module-text-hover-color: var(--pale-gray-monochrome); --user-account-mask: var(--space-star-mask); --space-star-mask: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 348.4 429.4'%3E%3Cg data-name='Layer 2'%3E%3Cpath d='M348.4 186.2C191 207.6 193 219.6 174.3 429.5c-18.9-210-16.9-222-174.3-243.4C157.4 164.8 152.8 157.4 174.2 0c21.4 157.4 16.8 164.8 174.3 186.2Z' data-name='Layer 1' style='fill:%23231f20'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E"); --space-constellation-mask: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 700 700'%3E%3Cpath d='M518 218.4c-9.5 0-18 4-24 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0c0-1.7 0-3.4-.6-4.5l80.1-33c5 6.1 12.9 10 21.3 10 1.7 0 2.8 0 4.5-.5l29.7 59.4a30.8 30.8 0 0 0-11.8 24.6c0 4.5 1.1 9 2.8 12.9l-64.4 48.7c-5-3.4-10.6-5.6-16.8-5.6-2.2 0-4 0-5.6.6L205.5 360a33.8 33.8 0 0 0 10.1-24.1zm44.8 151.2a11.2 11.2 0 1 1 0-22.4 11.2 11.2 0 0 1 0 22.4zm112-78.4c-9.5 0-16.8-7.3-16.8-16.8s7.3-16.8 16.8-16.8 16.8 7.3 16.8 16.8-7.3 16.8-16.8 16.8zm145.6-140c-9.5 0-16.8-7.3-16.8-16.8s7.3-16.8 16.8-16.8 16.8 7.3 16.8 16.8-7.3 16.8-16.8 16.8z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"); --space-orbit-mask: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 468.1 468.1'%3E%3Cpath d='M234 468.1c-8.2 0-16.6-.4-24.7-1.3a11 11 0 1 1 2.3-21.7 212.7 212.7 0 0 0 150-41.4 21 21 0 0 1-.7-5.6 28.5 28.5 0 0 1 35.6-27.5A212.4 212.4 0 0 0 213.9 22.8 11 11 0 0 1 211.8 1a232.5 232.5 0 0 1 187.8 67.5A232.5 232.5 0 0 1 468 234.2c0 58.2-21.5 114-60.5 157a11 11 0 0 1-14.5 1.7 6.5 6.5 0 0 0-10.3 5.3c0 1.3.4 2.4 1 3.5a11 11 0 0 1-2.4 14.3 234.6 234.6 0 0 1-147.2 52zm-76.7-13.5c-1.3 0-2.5-.2-3.8-.7A233.5 233.5 0 0 1 0 234.1C0 135 62.6 46.4 155.9 13.4a11 11 0 0 1 7.3 20.6A212.6 212.6 0 0 0 21.9 234 213 213 0 0 0 161 433.5a11 11 0 0 1-3.7 21.2z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M234 424.4A190.5 190.5 0 0 1 76.8 127a28.3 28.3 0 0 1 34.5-38.3 189.6 189.6 0 0 1 88-41.8 11 11 0 1 1 4 21.5c-30.9 5.7-59.5 20-82.8 41.3a11 11 0 0 1-13.8.8 6.6 6.6 0 0 0-8.7 9.7 11 11 0 0 1 .6 13.7A168.6 168.6 0 0 0 234 402.5a168.4 168.4 0 0 0 20.3-335.7 11 11 0 0 1 2.6-21.7 190.3 190.3 0 0 1-22.8 379.3z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M247.8 423.9a11 11 0 0 1-.8-21.9 169 169 0 0 0 155.5-168A169.2 169.2 0 0 0 234.1 65.7a168 168 0 0 0-106 37.5 28.4 28.4 0 0 1-35.4 39.4 167 167 0 0 0-27 91.6c0 78.9 53.5 146.4 130.3 164a11 11 0 1 1-5 21.4A190.8 190.8 0 0 1 81 121a11 11 0 0 1 17-.7c.8.8 2.4 2.2 5 2.2a6.6 6.6 0 0 0 3.7-11.9 11 11 0 0 1-1-17 189.8 189.8 0 0 1 131.7-49.8c50.2.8 97.2 21 132.4 56.8A189.2 189.2 0 0 1 424.4 234c0 48.3-18.1 94.3-51 129.6A189.6 189.6 0 0 1 247.8 424z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M234 332.5a98.6 98.6 0 0 1-27.5-193 28.5 28.5 0 0 1 55.1 0A98.7 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rgb(var(--space-planet)); -webkit-mask-image: var(--space-star-mask); -webkit-mask-size: contain; -webkit-mask-position: center; -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-image: var(--space-star-mask); mask-size: contain; mask-position: center; mask-repeat: no-repeat; transform: scale(0.75); } #login-status #account-options { background-image: unset; } #top-bar { --dropdown-bg-color: var(--swatch-menubg-light-color), 0.875; } /*---------------------*/ /*------ SIDE BAR ------*/ /*---------------------*/ #side-bar { box-sizing: border-box; } #side-bar .close-menu::before, #side-bar .close-menu::after { width: var(--topbar-height-on-mobile); height: var(--topbar-height-on-mobile); top: -.15rem; left: -.15rem; border-radius: 0 0 0.75rem 0; border: none; } :is(#interwiki, #side-bar) .heading { color: rgb(var(--swatch-primary-darker)); } /*---------------------*/ /*------ MAIN ------*/ /*---------------------*/ h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { color: rgb(var(--swatch-primary-darker)); } :where(#main-content) :is(h1,h2,h3)::before { content: ""; display: inline-block; position: relative; margin-inline-end: 0.325rem; background-color: currentColor; height: 0.95em; width: 1.05rem; top: 0.15em; -webkit-mask-image: var(--space-star-mask); -webkit-mask-size: contain; -webkit-mask-position: center; -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-image: var(--space-star-mask); mask-size: contain; mask-position: center; mask-repeat: no-repeat; } #page-title, .meta-title { color: rgb(var(--swatch-primary)); } #page-title::before,#page-title::after, .meta-title::before, .meta-title::after { background-image: unset; background-color: currentColor; } .code, .page-source { border: none; } /*--- Page Rate ---*/ #page-content div.rate-box-with-credit-button, { background: unset; background-color: rgb(var(--rating-module-bg-color)); border: none; } /*--- Blockquote ---*/ :is(blockquote,.blockquote,div.blockquote,[class*=blockquote]) { box-shadow: none; } :where(blockquote,div.blockquote)::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: solid 0.1rem rgb(var(--swatch-primary-darker)); clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%, 0 1.425rem, 1.125rem 0); pointer-events: none; } :where(blockquote, div.blockquote)::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-sizing: border-box; width: 2rem; height: 2rem; background-color: rgb(var(--swatch-primary-darker)); -webkit-mask-image: var(--space-star-mask); -webkit-mask-size: contain; -webkit-mask-position: center; -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-image: var(--space-star-mask); mask-size: contain; mask-position: center; mask-repeat: no-repeat; transform: translate(-50%, -42.5%); } /*--- HR ---*/ #main-content hr { --hr-icon-mask: var(--space-constellation-mask); --hr-icon-size: 3.75rem; margin: .5rem 0; background: transparent; height: var(--hr-icon-size); display: grid; place-items: center; grid-template-columns: 1fr; grid-template-rows: 1fr; } hr::before, 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0 29-2l-10-3-9-3-12 1a98 98 0 0 1-48-6c-1-1-5 0-13 3a229 229 0 0 1-33 9c-1 1 20 1 25-1zm23 0c-5-2-8-2-11 0-1 1-1 2 7 1 7 0 7 0 4-1zm211 0-12-5-10-5-5 4-9 5-4 2a234 234 0 0 0 40-1zm54 0-2-2-7 3 5 1c5 0 5-1 4-2zm89 0c-3-3-3-3-5 0-1 1-1 2 4 2h5zm90 1-5-3-9-5c-5-3-5-3-15 2l-10 5c-3 1-3 1 18 2l21-1zm157-1 11-4c6-2 8-2 10-1 15 6 18 7 29 7l11-1-11-3-22-6-11-4-7 3-14 4c-7 2-28 2-37 1h-10l-10 4-7 1 32 1c27 0 33-1 36-2zm24 0-6-1-6 1c-1 1 0 2 6 2s7-1 6-2zm180-1-7-4h-7l-12 4-7 2 19 1h18l-4-3zm206 1-4-1h-1l-6-4-6-3-12 4c-15 5-24 5-46 0-7-2-7-2-16 1l-9 4a794 794 0 0 0 100-1zm65 1c5-1 5-2-4-4l-7-2-5 3-5 3h21zM99 106l-1-2-4-8-4-5-8 5c-8 5-13 7-21 8-4 0-3 1 3 2h35zm1725-1 2-1-16-3-9-6-7-4-4 6-4 7c-3 2 0 3 9 3 15 0 25 0 29-2zm-285-2 13-4c1-1-5-4-12-8l-14-7-11 8-14 9c-4 2-5 3 0 4l4 1c4 1 24-1 34-3zm-1154 1c1-1 0-2-2-3a186 186 0 0 1-24-16c-1-1-2 0-3 1l-14 7-11 5 5 2 22 5c5 1 26 0 27-1zm140 0-9-5-19-10-9-6-7 5a345 345 0 0 1-7 6l6-2c9-3 18 0 18 5-1 3-4 3-13 1-7-3-7-3-13-1-3 1-5 2-4 3s16 4 27 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2-6zm1287 4 7-4c1-1 1-1-1-2l-6-2-6-2c-1-1-1 1-1 5l1 7 6-2zM477 83l3-4-4-3-4-2-1 2c-2 3-2 3 0 6 1 3 1 3 6 1zm290-1 4-3c0-1-8-4-12-4-5 0-13 3-13 5l4 3c5 2 12 2 17-1zm369-1 4-2-5-2c-6-3-13-3-19 0-4 1-4 2-3 3 5 5 15 5 23 1zm278 1c1-3 0-7-2-7s-8 3-8 5c0 1 6 5 8 5l2-3zm-842 1v-1l-2 1h2zm8 0-1-1-1 1 1 1 1-1zm135-1 4-3-4-2c-3-2-3-2-7 0s-4 3 0 5c3 2 3 2 7 0zm101 0c4-2 4-3-1-5-3-2-3-2-6 0s-3 3 0 5 4 2 7 0zm259 0c4-2 4-3 0-5-3-2-3-2-7-1-4 2-4 4 0 6 3 2 3 2 7 0zm102-1c2-2 2-3-3-4h-7c-4 2-4 3 0 5s8 1 10-1zM24 80l-1-3c-1-1-2 2-2 4 1 2 3 1 3-1Zm657 0c0-3-2-4-4-2s-2 2-1 3c3 2 5 1 5-1zm109 1c2-2 2-2 0-3-2-2-7-2-10 0-2 1-2 1-1 2 4 3 8 3 11 1zm315 0v-3c-3-2-8-2-11 0-1 2-1 2 1 3 2 2 8 2 10 0zm104-2-2-2-4 1c-2 3 0 5 4 3l2-2zm654 1c0-3-2-4-3-2 0 2 1 5 2 4l1-2zM348 78l-1 2c0 1 0 2 1 1v-3zm76 2c0-2-3-3-4-2v3c2 1 3 0 4-1zm146 0-2-2c-2-1-4 1-4 3 1 1 5 0 5-1zm31 1c1-2-2-4-4-3s-3 2 0 3h4zm686-1c2 0 2-1 1-2-3-1-7 0-6 2s3 2 5 0zm32 0c0-2-3-3-4-2l-1 3c1 1 4 1 5-1zm144 1c2-1 2-2 0-3-1-1-4 1-3 3h3zm74-1-1-2-1 2 1 2 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