Our Books Have Been Stolen!
Archivist Owlpede tried to make replacements!
Patrons! Your friendly Archivist Ayman here with an announcement: our beloved Library has been ransacked by the Magpies! They have stolen our books, our scripts, our drawings, and more. They slipped in through the new wing of Ways we just introduced and managed to get past the Docents undetected. It seems Library Staff may have been just a bit too busy reorganizing our shelves…
Do not be alarmed though! I handed my deskmate Owlpede some crayons and he did some fantastic work making us some replacements for our posters and pamphlets in the meantime. Additionally, I've dispatched Pages to find the books that were stolen and to leave notices on the shelves noting that the disappearance has been recorded and is being looked into.
If you find one of your books has been taken, do not fret! We will find them and we will assure you that this won't happen again!
Details on what all has been changed can be found below:
This is the theme and announcement page for the Wanderers' Library's 2022 April Fools Day event!
Articles that were stolen:
Many thanks to all the authors who took part! The full list of stolen articles is as follows:
Parcoon Finds a Snack, Entomophobia, A Line Through The Oasis, Battle of the White Waves, Cave Story, Meathook, Of Candles and Coconut oil, Library Rat, Are you here?, Playing Pretend, A Story About Stars, Honeyed Be Thy Name, Standard Issue Withstander Field Guide: The Nihl, The Multi Unitraversal, Irish Coffee, Echoes of the Searing, On The Common Vampyre, The Gatekeeper's Sketchbook, Non-Existence Therapy
In addition to the many articles that were stolen by the Magpies, some authors added a little something extra to their notices. Those who did are recorded below:
From The Gatekeeper's Sketchbook
What appears to be a newer sketchbook sits on the table in front of you- wait a moment. The sketchbook is gone! Instead, you find a lonely notice on the table in front of you.
From The Multi Unitraversal
From Honeyed Be Thy Name
As a side note, the bees are furious. Maybe stay away from the Captain's Shelf today?
From Library Rat
Additionally, when the Magpies stole this one book, it seems they may have accidentally squished one of the local Masked Canines in the process. Owlpede's rendition of the creature is attached below. If anyone can get a hold of its owner, please also send them my way.
From Entomophobia
Bear with us!
From Parcoon Finds a Snack
We are aware of a recent a recent string of thefts in the Library. Many books have gone missing from their shelves, and this piece is no exception. Rest assured we are doing all we can to recover any stolen materials. Those responsible for this incident will be dealt with accordingly.
However, I would be remiss if I did not clarify the situation for this particular piece. This story was not stolen, rather this specific book was eaten. A particular rotund, furry patron ate this story in its hunger during the commotion earlier. We are working hard to print up a replacement, though this story may not be available for some time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Below is a drawn depiction of the patron in question-based off the descriptions given to us by eyewitnesses. If you come across it, please notify your nearest Page or Docent. We of the library staff do not condone the consumption of our own reading material, thank you.
- Archivist Ayman
How to include
To take part in WL's 2022 April Fools event, all you need to do is use the paper div to add a missing notice for your tale! You can use the copy paste example, or come up with your own.
This theme is currently active site-wide, but if for any reason you'd like to add this theme to a page after the event concludes, add this to the top of said page and it will implement the theme again:
[[include :wanderers-library:component:stolen-theme]]
Theme Components
[[div class="paper"]]
Your missing notice goes here! It can be themed however you'd like, but if you're stuck, you can use the copy paste example below, or you can use what Ayman mentioned above as inspiration - Magpies stole things from the Library, Pages have been leaving notices on the shelves where the books are normally stored noting what book was taken, what it was about, and that the disappearances are being looked in to.
[[div class="paper"]]
Due to a recent string of thefts in the Library, the book usually found on this shelf is currently missing. Library Staff is aware of this missing book and is looking into the disappearance. Please do not panic, please do not fret, the books will be returned to their shelves soon, and the Magpie culprits will be dealt with.
Pages have already been dispatched to deliver these notices, and Docents have been dispatched to the Ways it is believed the culprits came through. If you find any other missing items, please report it to my station at the Main Desk.
- Archivist Ayman
Alternatively, you can also have Owlpede (or another staff member) write a "replacement" version of your tale. This again can be themed however you'd like, but the idea is to be a rushed and probably not as nice copy of your original tale. It just depends on how much time and effort you'd like to put into your April Fools activities!
An alternative horizontal rule is available as well if the "-----" is enclosed in a "fancyhr" class div, like so:
[[div_ class="fancyhr"]]
Resulting in this:
There is also a special border that can be enabled by adding the "fancyborder" class to any element. For instance, this is the code to this block:
[[div_ class="fancyborder"]]
content goes here
/* Stolen Theme*/
/* 2022 Wikidot Theme */
/* By UncertaintyCrossing, based off of Dust Jacket theme by Woedenaz, with additional components taken from the Wanderers Depths theme by Rounderhouse */
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Caveat:wght@400;700&display=swap');
:root {
/* S-CSS-P Integration */
/* If you're making a new CSS theme, please include the following three variables at minimum. */
--theme-base: "nuscp";
/* must be either "nuscp" or "sigma9" */
--theme-id: "stolen-theme";
/* set this to the URL of your theme's page - eg for "component:ar-theme", set it to "ar-theme" */
--theme-name: "Stolen Theme";
/* set this to your theme's full name */
/* Header */
--logo-image: url("https://wanderers-sandbox.wdfiles.com/local--files/collab:piano-uncertaintycrossing/logo.png");
--header-title: "T e Wan ere Li ra y";
--header-subtitle: " ";
#header h1 a::before {
content: "T e Wan ere Li ra y";
content: var(--header-title);
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color: rgb(var(--bright-accent));
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border-image-repeat: round round;
background: none;
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border-image-width: 10em 80em 10em 80em;
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box-sizing: border-box;
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-moz-border-image: url(https://wanderers-sandbox.wdfiles.com/local--files/collab:piano-uncertaintycrossing/border.png) 600 round;
-o-border-image: url(https://wanderers-sandbox.wdfiles.com/local--files/collab:piano-uncertaintycrossing/border.png) 600 round;
border-image: url(https://wanderers-sandbox.wdfiles.com/local--files/collab:piano-uncertaintycrossing/border.png) 600 round;
border-image-width: 6;
padding: 2vw;
.paper {
font-family: 'Caveat', cursive;
font-style: bold;
font-size: 1.4rem;
background: url("https://scp-sandbox-3.wdfiles.com/local--files/bard-bard-s-sandbox/paper.jpg") repeat 0px 8px;
/*Licensed under CC, produced by https://www.deviantart.com/jojo-ojoj*/
border: 3px ridge rgb(var(--dark-accent));
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 10px 10px;
margin: auto;