Cycle of a Star
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Stars hang up high in the sky, shining their light for us to see.

We observe this light, tracing shapes with and using them as guides.

And sometimes, stars fall from high up from the sky in a burning light.

Even then, we watch as the stars fall. We still observe their beauty.

And once the stars come to us here on the earth, they only rise again.

The stars return in a new form, one that we can hug and hold dear.

Here, we can observe their beauty in its truest form, closer than ever.

No longer are we separated by an unimaginably large distance.

Instead, the stars walk with us. Both of us can hold each other close.

No, here we can make memories that will last longer than the stars, too.

Yet, they are still stars, composed of many of the same materials as the others.

And as with all stars, they will eventually burn out. Some sooner than the rest.

But do not lose all hope just yet, because the cycle will always continue on.

When stars burn out, the remains of them sometimes carry on for longer.

They flow across space, flow across the earth, and even across our memories.

With time, they will reform into stars again, places back into the cosmos.

They may be far away yet again, but they are not forgotten or unloved.

You hold onto the priceless memories of the time you had, ones that’ll stay.

You once held hands with a star, one that so many people have loved.

They will never disappear forever, no matter the time or distance.

Sometimes, the stars leave traces of stardust as well, not just memories.

Small remnants that you can hold onto, and that keep shining like they did.

These are what you can hold onto when the memories feel too distant.

Hold onto these traces, just as you hold onto every moment you shared.

If the distance ever feels too far, keep looking back at the stardust.

A physical reminder, and one that you will always be able to keep close.

Not only do stars never truly fade, you still keep a small part of them.

And this is something that no one can ever take away from you.

No one can take the memories, and no one can take your stardust away.

And most importantly, no one can ever take your star back out of the sky.

So keep watching the stars. They’ll always be there for you to love.

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