To be unfortunately blunt, this page is here so that I can keep track of all that I have written — my main author page is on the SCP Wiki, but there is no way to get this component over there, so it is here. On the other hand, I expect to put more of my works here soon — I am slowly but surely drifting from writing for SCP lore explicitly and exclusively, so more and more works will fall under the Wanderer's Library umbrella. Here is a list of my works, from the most recent to the oldest, as posted on the Wanderer's Library. Cheers for your visitation!
Rating: +7
Comments: 2
Last Comment: Stygian Blue
+/- : +7/-0
Tags: death drama entry first-person historical-earth prose shapeshifter wing-two
Rating: +22
Comments: 5
Last Comment: Its a Bad Idea