There is something crawling around inside of me
All sharp elbows and gnawing teeth
Makes my skin feel tight
Occupies the empty space in my ribcage
Where my lungs should be
Presses its body against my throat
Squeezes my heart
Milks it of its blood.
I can't look up from
The ground.
Yet I still feel the eyes
Bile burns my throat
I want to remove everything
Within me
Air my insides out on a clothesline.
I gag
I dig my nails into my cheeks
And nothing escapes me.
Cold shame runs down
My back
I crave so desperately
To be alone
The empty space reaches down my throat
Steals my breath
Gags me in its vastness
And as I choke
Tears well in my eyes
Cool my burning face
And I am relieved.