Anomalous Forces in Evolution
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Robert L. Griffon, George B. Frickfurt, Ferixatlo, Cognitio MK II, and Valencia C. Hunter

Evolution will on occasion act in ways that, on the surface, do not make perfect sense. While the examples mainstream science is aware of make far more sense once further investigation into the forces driving evolution of the population is performed, many of the lifeforms encountered by Legacy and other paranormal/anomalous groups show evolution working in truly bizarre ways: radical new features evolving in mere thousands of years, organisms from completely different ranges acting in specialized mutualistic relations when introduced to each other, and organisms taking evolutionary paths that seem nonsensical for their clade. Due to the high number of organisms currently in the care of Legacy that had unusual evolutionary histories, and the value of understanding evolution better, a study group was put together, drawing members of the Serpent’s Hand and Legacy, as well as independent scientists. We used a combination of time travel logs, fossil/DNA records, scrying, and remote-viewing devices to investigate organisms that met two of four criteria relating to evolutionary histories. Our survey of these organisms reveal that a guiding force appears to be behind their evolutionary histories, and several remote-viewing sessions provided avenues of further inquiry for determining what these forces might be.

Key words: anomalistics, Deep Past studies, scrying

The first individual to note the possibility of anomalous forces influencing evolution was Richard Bergman (1804-1889), the founder of modern vulcabiology. His theories in this area were initially dismissed as the product of the mind of a crackpot, in large part because he attempted to justify his religious and political views through vulcabiology and misinterpretations of the social structure of Ignafelis nigerius (Thoth 1985). The concept enjoyed a small but devoted following for several decades thereafter (the believers in the idea being colloquially known as Bergmanites), but gradually fell out of favor as cryptozoologists took an increasingly naturalistic view of the field. During this period, the dominant assumption was that anomalistics that defied common notions of biology and physics were frauds, and had no place in cryptozoology.

After the discovery of an anomalous jellyfish currently in the possession of the SCP Foundation, and the gathering of organisms from it for study and captive breeding, interest in the possibility of anomalous forces acting on evolution spiked, with forty papers on the subject appearing in The Journal of Cryptozoology during the 1980s alone. At this time, however, all known anomalous forces affecting evolution seemed to merely accelerate it by increasing mutation rate, even if there was an abnormal lack of negative mutations (Hartward 1985). Furthermore, DNA sequencing was still an emerging technology (even among the ranks of the Enlightened). It was thus only recently that a full survey (including genetic analysis) was possible.

With the advent of various methods, both magical and scientific, of directly viewing the past, interest in the exact forces acting on evolution spiked again. Given that the results of the attempts to sequence the genes of Nigerian lava cats (Ignafelis nigerius) and heat sludge (Limus ignus) were complete failures due to the measurement problems that only manifested when the genes of those organisms were sequenced (Frickfurt and Hartward 1993), interest in how these organisms evolved grew as well. The combination of these two interests lead to the first attempts to gather information on the evolutionary history of volcano-dwelling organisms.

These efforts produced decidedly mixed results. Repeated attempts to determine a method to sequence the genes of volcano-dwelling organisms resulted in the discovery that they were using a novel set of base pairs (the purine being dubbed ryphosine and the pyridimine being dubbed sernine) (Frickfurt and Hartward 1995) in addition to the traditional bases; subsequently genetic sequencers were designed to be able to handle these extra bases.

However, analysis of the forces acting on the evolution of Nigerian lava cats revealed little apparent reason for the species to evolve in the manner it did. The ancestors of the Nigerian lava cat were not forced to adapt to changing conditions, nor did volcanoes present a resource that, in evolutionary terms, was particularly attractive. Further examination found more organisms whose evolutionary histories appeared anomalous (Watson, 1997). While some of these could be easily explained using known anomalies, many could not.

Materials and Methods

Study sample.Our survey was of all known species that met two out of four criteria:

  1. Developed novel adaptations in 10-100 generations
  2. Took an extremely unusual path for a member of its clade
  3. Developed anomalous capabilities
  4. Took evolutionary paths that did not appear to confer any advantage

Given the subjective nature of some of these criteria, we undoubtedly included some species when in fact we should not have included them, and vice versa. Criteria one and four were especially difficult to judge without having time travel logs or scrying sessions evaluating the evolutionary history of every single species, so we limited ourselves to species that we already knew filled those criteria.

Species were disqualified if they had any of the following traits:

  1. Being spontaneously altered to form a new species
  2. Being of extrauniversal descent
  3. Being spontaneously created, either ex nihilo or through alchemy[1]
  4. Being a result of an understood anomaly affecting evolution, such as the aforementioned jellyfish

Study method.Each species that met our requirements had its DNA sequenced and had a detailed analysis of its fossil record and evolutionary history performed. For the purpose of analyzing the evolutionary history of populations, we procured the services of professional scryers in the employ of Messers. Violet and Ficklestein, a firm specializing in viewing the Deep Past.

To analyze the evolutionary history of the populations, we had the viewing sessions recorded, then ran them through an algorithm (constructed with the aid of several sapient artificial intelligences) to describe overall trends and pick out particularly significant events. The overall trends were then reviewed, with the selected significant events receiving a correspondingly greater amount of attention. Ten randomly chosen one-month periods were chosen from each species and reviewed (the task being delegated in large part to interns and assistants) to aid in finding anything that the algorithm may have missed.[2]


A total of 10,768 animal species met our requirements, with an analysis by phylum indicating a non-random distribution (see Attached Table 1). Several of the more successful and diverse phyla, such as Arthropoda and Annelida, have what appears to be abnormally few species meeting these requirements. The distribution of anomalous species is quite similar to the distribution of species in legends (Riverflight 2004).
Since species meeting our requirements were so heavily clustered, we ran further analysis on these clusters to determine any non-random distribution within higher-order groups (see Figure 2).

In addition, we noted various out of place artifacts in various points of time. For the most part these were spherical devices that were noted to follow 33 migratory species, 31 of which met our requirements[3]. Examination of the spherical devices using more advanced scrying equipment demonstrated that they had excellent sensory equipment, and their attempted evasion of more detailed scrying indicates likely temporal sensory abilities. Further attempts at scrying encountered some sort of interference identical to the natural temporal noise experienced when scrying attempts do not focus on a particular point in space-time. The cause of this interference is unknown.


The abnormal distribution in clades without any abnormal metaphysical properties themselves suggests a discriminatory force. What exactly this force is remains unknown.

Much of the evidence gathered (the out of place artifacts) indicate some sort of intervention by a technologically advanced species, but where the species came from is unknown, as is anything regarding their identity, their intentions, or the process by which they intervened. Artifacts from the Deep Past do support the Old Civilization hypothesis,[4] so some species may represent the results of influence of older civilizations. However, most of these species developed far away from civilization (world civilizations are fairly uncommon), and no signs of tampering were detected.

Directly tampering with genetic material tends to leave definite marks (intentional or not) on a species genome (Laweson 2005), and no such marks have been detected, either by us or by the hundreds who study auras. Papyrus scrolls and modern writings by members of the Egyptian pantheon do describe an influx of Chaos as having similar effects (Thoth 1988). However, a Chi squared analysis demonstrated that what originally appeared to be unusually concentrations of species fitting our criteria during periods of great upheaval (in cultural, ecological, and geological terms) was in fact not statistically significant.

Probability alteration appears to be the most likely explanation. For any outcome permitted by the basic laws of the universe, there is a non-zero possibility that it will occur, no matter how small. Therefore, it is theoretically possible for, for example, a basal felid to evolve to live as a volcanic organism; the probability is merely very small. While Occam’s Razor could then dismiss it as chance, the sheer number of species, and their distribution, make chance unlikely to be responsible (p < .005). By probability alteration, one can make it so that was a very remote possibility becomes near certainty. As probability alteration has been shown to work across branes (Thoth 2012), it would be the ideal method for interfering aliens who, for whatever reason, did not want to leave their home brane.


1. For further information, consult Timothy Flamel’s Principles of Alchemy, Chapter 19.
2. As the algorithims were designed to detect events that were out of the ordinary, very frequent anomalous events could more easily be missed; ten one month periods were decided on due to time constraints.
3. The rest were noted either in remote viewing sessions due to their proximity to a species being investigated, or were mentioned in time travel logs.
4. For those unfamiliar, the Old Civilization hypothesis states that civilizations; whether from temporally displaced humans, ancient hominoid species, or even older creatures such as dinosaurs; have extended into the eons as early as the Silurian period, and that at almost any point in history there has existed an advanced civilization.

Literature Cited

Frickfurt, George B and Lee W. Hartward. (1993). “Errors in Genetic Sequencing in Volcanic Life.” Journal of Cryptozoology. 112:1 34-40.
Frickfurt, George B and Lee W. Hartward. (1995). “Novel Base Pairs in Nigerian Lava Cats.” Journal of Cryptozoology. 114:4 256-264.
Hartward, Lee W. (1985). “A Description of a Probablistic Jellyfish.” Journal of Cryptozoology. 104:2 104-117.
Laweson, Frank B. (2005). “Aural Characteristics of Genetically Modified Species.” Anomalistics. 42:4 402-415.
Riverflight, D. (2003). “Distribution of Species by Phylum in Traditional Stories, Non-Human and Human.” Journal of Comparative Species Studies.
Thoth. (1988). On the Effects of Chaos on Local Ecosystems. Heliopolis: Deity Distributions. 59-114.
Thoth. (2012). Investigations into Brane Theory. Heliopolis: Deity Distributions. 295-301.
Watson, Curlene A. (1997). “Anomalies in Evolution?” Anomalistics. 34:1 6-19.


  1. This paper shows promise, but as it is is insufficiently detailed about the data obtained. There are no figures, and few tables. Without the data sources used, the results are not reproducible. While the information presented is interesting, without the data any further investigations are impossible. It is understandable that the authors may with to not take up three hundred or so pages with their records, but the Node where the information is stored has highly limited access. I would recommend embedding the data in a Node inside the paper. Reviewer #1
  2. Given the rather revolutionary nature of the paper, if future examinations confirm the hypothesis, I would expect more attention to be paid to attempts by magic-users to influence evolution using probability alteration. Reviewer #2
  3. The introductory material describing the history behind the concept is rather long. I would advise eliminating almost all of it, relegating the remainder to a footnote, and giving a reference to one of the several books written about Bergman's theories. Reviewer #3
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