A notice for fellow Wanderers.
Greetings, fellow Wanderer. You've managed to find the Field Guide to the Shelves, Volume One. Congratulations! Whether it was passed to you, picked up by you, or mysteriously found its way into your possession, you are in for a treat.
This Volume aims to document all the flora and fauna that have made up residence in the Library. What does that mean? Well, are you having trouble dealing with pesky foxburns stealing your stuff? Or perhaps a bibliovore has given you a spook one too many times? Document it here. If we work together, the collective knowledge we obtain can help us all deal with living here in the Library.
Please note this is for wild creatures that have not been tamed! A collected list of the tamed, owned, or obedient critters can be requested from the Main Desk at any time. Reports about troublesome pets go to said Archivists as they will reach out to the critter's owner, do not report about it here! Thanks!
If you have issues identifying Staff variants, natural Library phenomenon, or other items that do not fall into the category of nature and wildlife, please see our other Volumes, currently pending.
Foxburn Renallum1

Species or individual: Species that can be found in the Library.
Size: Roughly the size of a fox. Hence the name. stack of three books from the Southern Shelves cover to cover in height, and three and half to four Southern Shelve books cover to cover in length. We are comparing things to book sizes now? Well everyone here has seen a book, right?
Identification: A small creature, nimble and fast and good at climbing. Tends to be reddish orange in color, with a lighter underbelly and a darker stripe down the back. Has hands for front paws and glowing eyes2 that float around it.
Regional Shelf Variants: None recorded.3
Habitat: A wide range, anywhere from the Southern to Eastern Shelves. They tend to prefer nesting in the Southern Shelves, where exactly I don't know yet, but I see more of their nests there. They avoid Shelf 16H where the Biblivores are and the nearby shelves the staff patrol. I find they prefer 16L to 60J.
Behavior: Foxburn Renallum are curious creatures that like to carry things around. They've been seen taking books from Pages and bringing them to different patrons, suggesting they are intelligent or at the very least trainable. In return for carrying books around though, they require payment, usually in the form of shiny trinkets they can use to decorate their nests with.
Warning: Will take anything shiny as payment, but have been known to take things from patrons not paying attention, and do have the ability to open bags.

Species or individual: Species that can be found in the Library.
Size: Same height as the insect-variant Page. Just so you know, Bug Pages are around a quarter of a South shelf tall.
Identification: Based on the one confirmed sighting,4 a hollow husk of an insect-variant Page with a glowing purple fire within them. They're only ever seen with the lower amount of Page arms, never the full ten. I suspect that they molt in order to grow more limbs, and that these husks are the discarded molts brought back to life.
Regional Shelf Variants: Two recorded. Varies in level of hostility.
Habitat: Located in Shelf 16H. They do not wander or leave that area. Suspected they have a nest somewhere very high up in the shelves nearby but come to Shelf 16H to patrol.
Behavior: Very reclusive and mysterious, avoiding other staff and patrons at all costs. It is unknown what happens when both approached and interacted with directly.
Warning: Will destroy the covers of books left in Shelf 16H. This includes hardcover, softcover, spectralcover, and onecover books! Take stripped books as a tracking sign for Bibliovores because they're one of the few creatures in the shelves that do this.

Species or individual: Individual.
Size: A really fat raccoon. Like picture a fat raccoon then multiply that by three. What is a raccoon? Can we PLEASE start using book sizes? Two Southern Shelf books cover to cover in length, one in height.
Identification: A really fat but also really clever creature. Has a dark grey body, cream underbelly, and what resembles a dark mask or band across its face, covering its eyes. From its neck and the underside of its striped tail sprout dark maroon feathers. They are long and glossy, but are not used at all for flight. The creature has lil' grabby hands with sharp talons on the end which it uses to open packages and to get into areas it shouldn't be in.
Regional Shelf Variants: An individual, not applicable.
Habitat: Not originally from the Library, belongs to a patron, but that patron is nowhere to be found and never registered the animal at the Main Desk, hence the reason it is being recorded in this book. Regardless, Parcoon now resides in the largest food court area, currently the Central one next to the Artistic Patron's Workshop.
Behavior: I think this clever lil guy is looking for its owner, but keeps getting distracted by the food left out by Patrons. How it got into the Library in the first place is unknown, I'm guessing a food related Way. Mostly it just sleeps if not digging through trash looking for food. Likes attention, but can be wary of newer patrons. Does respond to the name Parcoon if you want to call it over. How does the author know the critter's name is Parcoon? Is that like, a common nickname for whatever a raccoon is? From what I researched, no, it isn't. Usually they're called "coon," "Procyon Lotor," or "chonky." Typical racoons also don't have feathers. I'm not sure what this Parcoon fella is.
Warning: This fatass will eat any food left unattended. Do not leave your snacks out if you have any intention of eating them.
Book Mimic

Species or individual: Species that can be found in the Library.
Size: The same size as a book. FINALLY!
Identification: Look like closed books most of the time, but capable of sprouting arachnid legs and a fanged mouth.
Regional Shelf Variants: Hard to determine due to their mimicry. In my expeditions to the Scripture Crypts deep beneath the inhabited areas of the Library, I witnessed specimens with slimy pseudopods in place of legs. Their touch caused a burning sensation on my hide. I heard that there are BIG mimics that disguise themselves as entire shelves instead of books.
Habitat: Any part of the Library where there is prey. "Prey" probably includes some patrons that are small enough, too.
Behavior: They make themselves look like books5, and proceed to lay in wait. When a suitable prey comes close enough, they will suddenly reveal their mouth and bite at the victim. Then they will quickly run away to another location. After finding a new hunting ground, they will disguise themselves as another book.
Warning: Potentially dangerous. While a single instance cannot do a lot of damage to most patrons, they have been known to eat small creatures whole. Though rare, there have been cases of bigger patrons expiring to an entire group of these things. It doesn't help that the Librarians seem to be incapable of perceiving them as anything but normal books. The Wordsmith Guild has made attempts to get rid of these pests but haven't had much progress. Stay safe out there people!
Masked Canines

Species or individual: Individual. Only one individual currently lives in the Library, but it is actually a part of a much larger species. The species as a whole uses the Library as a waypoint during their travels to and from wherever they reside.
Size: Really big in comparison to your average canine. The neck puts them at eye level with most humanoid Patrons. I haven't actually seen this animal in the Library, I'm unsure how big it is. Many books tall?
Identification: A large creature with a canid like body, except the proportions are super weird. Gangly limbs, skinny body, incredibly long neck and tail. The front paws resemble hands with opposable thumbs. Most notably, however, is the mask that acts as a face. It resembles a human, but is completely void of eyes. Looking into them, one just sees a dark abyss. It's unknown how the creature sees, eats, or speaks. Speaking-wise, it can speak, and converses with Patrons regularly.
Regional Shelf Variants: An individual, not applicable. The ones who pass through have a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Resembles patterns found on avian species. One thing I have noticed is that all the ones that use the Library as a waypoint are always much, much smaller than the one who lives here, and their masks are also not as humanoid. I think the one that lives in the Library is older, or some sort of elder for the species.
Habitat: I don't know where in the Library it resides, it seems to just vanish after each sighting. I heard that it lives with the Ghost in the Rafters. Seconding what the author said, I've been unsuccessful in locating where these things originate from or where they're going. They seem to be everywhere yet also nowhere at the same time.
Behavior: Unsure what this thing's deal is. It's just an asshole to everyone it encounters, so I guess it's a blessing we don't see it very often. It does; however, often carry a sketchbook around, or takes said sketchbook from Patrons only to disappear with it. I don't know where it's taking the book, but the Library staff don't seem to care, so maybe the book belongs to it?
Warning: This creature is actually as intelligent as an average Patron and is horribly mean. Like, a total asshole that will verbally degrade you. I'm wondering if it isn't actually an "animal" and more of a sentient thing. Perhaps it needs to be recategorized. The smaller ones act more wild, for lack of a better term. I think as they get older, they become more intelligent, so I agree the one currently residing in the Library should be reclassified as a Patron given how old it is.
Lantern Koi

Species or individual: Species.
Size: Individual sizes range from as small as a human thumb to as big as a cow. I've spotted some myself, and their sizes range from a folded up map to a large metal grimoire.
Identification: Fish superficially resembling the Earth6 fish known as koi. They glow in different colors, leaving a trail of light behind them as they swim through the air.
Regional Shelf Variants: Certain areas seem to have a bigger amount of certain colours. While exploring the Primeval Caverns, I witnessed a school of pale, ghostly lantern koi with transparent skin and large eyes.
Habitat: Can be found throughout the Library, but prefer to stay in areas with high ceilings. They typically need high-quality air to survive, as poor breathing conditions clog up their breathing filters.
Behavior: Move in big schools, floating silently through the air, seemingly without purpose. They eat small particles from the air, but occasionally each other as well. My research into their biology reveals that their light and their ability to levitate is not natural, but purely magical. Another peculiar observation is that while they do not live in water, they still have gills. It is unclear how they manage to breathe. They look pretty :3
Warning: Not actively hostile, and there are no records of wanderers being consumed, but in high altitudes they may pose a risk if a Patron gets in the way of a school and accidentally gets pushed off of a ledge.
Handyman's Moss

Species or individual: Species that can be found in the Library.
Size: The hands are about the size of a page's hand, but the spread of hands can be hundreds of feet long. Usually they form clusters. Admittedly, I don't actually know how many books long this would be. Just a lot of books, these things spread out as far as the eye can see.
Identification: Hangs from the shelves and resembles a Page's hand. Able to grab onto things, but cannot support very much weight.
Regional Shelf Variants: Many. List pending.
Habitat: I have yet to find a Library section that does not have their own version of this plant. So, everywhere, pretty much.
Behavior: A plant that hangs from the shelves and drops down 'hands.' They will hold items for you if you place the item into the hand. This does no damage to the plant or the item being held. I don't know how this benefits the plant.
Warning: Can hold your books for you, but be careful not to give it a book too heavy. Same applies to backpacks, weapons, and other belongings. Tap twice to get it to release your item. Do not leave items unattended, as other patrons might take them, or Pages might release them to make room when climbing.
Durwood Trees

Species or individual: Species that can be found in the Library.
Size: Several shelves high, at final height. North shelves, from what I've seen.
Identification: An evergreen tree with teal bark and black leaves. The bark is edible, and the leaves can be used to brew tea or potions. The bark is soft, and thus poor for construction.
Regional Shelf Variants: There are at least three that I have encountered, all varying in only the quality of sap they produce.
Habitat: It is usually found in unkempt atriums and are harmless. They are highly valued in the Library, and are rare. They are usually sighted in the Forestry section of the Library, along with other trees. Lots of light is needed for these trees to grow, as well as a usual temperature of 90°L7. Soil and water are minimal factors.
Behavior: Stationary. Because of their sap, it is rumored that they are partially sentient, but I have neither experienced or heard of an account of this. My uncle's boyfriend's cousin said that she got advice from one of those trees on what Way to choose to go home. They're totally alive! Sentient. They mean thinking and sentient.
Warning: The blue sap has the quality of fortifying one's mind, hence "durable" sap. These typically are used for long periods of studying or research. Purple and green sap can also be found: Purple sap has the added benefit of increased morale, while green sap has a tendency to lead to short bursts of energy and then long periods of depression. Be warned, the sap can be addictive.

Species or individual: Species.
Size: The roots stretch three pamphlets held end-to-end underground in all directions. The flowers above-ground are only as tall as a pocket dictionary. Just to confirm, this is probably referring to a pocket Latin dictionary, from what I've seen.
Identification: The only way to notice these pesky plants is by their bright yellow flower with its dark red center. It's nigh-impossible to tell if a where-root has moved, or if you've seen the same plant. Some people say that there's a particular scent for each plant
Regional Shelf Variants: None. I heard there's actually two types, one deadly and one more deadly.
Habitat: Where-roots grow in warm, humid spots, with light for at least a couple of hours at a time. They grow towards what most consider as "up", and thus need a suitably grounded surface to grow from, with some depth to make space for their large roots. Their travel mechanism is only functional in areas with material that can be pierced by their roots, so they're limited to places with wood, carpet, or paper underneath. And soil and remains, too.
Behavior: Whenever a Where-root plant feels sick of their current surroundings, or feels threatened, it stretches its roots around and stabs into the Library subsoil to make space for displacement.
Warning: During certain times in their growth cycle, the flower will release seeds violently into the air in an attempt to spread its progeny. The seeds are extremely dangerous if they make contact with a patron, but thankfully, they're also very loud, and the roots underneath flex when seeds are launched.
Stop Weeds

Species or individual: Species.
Size: Maximum growth height is around the height of one book lying down.
Identification: Noticeable by their red leaves. These plants are a hardy bunch, and are not easily removed.
Regional Shelf Variants: No variants. The only thing that varies with this kind of grass is how hostile different fields are. There isn't a large range of possible hostility though; the whole species is a nightmare to encounter.
Habitat: Areas where the carpet of the Library has been torn up. It is unknown why this is so suitable for the cultivation of stop weeds, and some old and poorly kept parts of the Library have suffered. Light levels have no effect on the growth of this plant, although darker areas tend to breed angrier plants. Moist humidity seems to be needed, and the flooring needs to contain where-roots.
Behavior: Whenever a living thing steps within six feet of a field of stop weeds, the weeds will screech for a minimum of five seconds, and will continue screeching if the offending living thing continues moving in any way. It appears that their motive is to keep people from treading on them. It's also to catch prey by stunning them.
Warning: It is unknown what happens if a living thing steps into a field of stop weeds. Perhaps there is a reason for this. You bet. The living thing will get dragged and suffocated, and they will eventually be consumed by the plants through stabbing and acids—the plants screech all the while...Is there a range of sizes for potential prey? Not really. There are some really nasty fields in the Crypts that swallow all sorts of creatures, from laughing bugs to watermelon giants, without a trace left; it depends on the size of a field, for the most part. Oh…
DEREK Lintukasvihirviö8

Species or individual: Individual.
Size: Absolutely humongous. Slightly bigger than the floating shelf monoliths in the Weightless Atrium.
Identification: A behemoth of an avian, this phytoid9 resembles the colorful king vulture, except that it is seemingly made out of plant matter.
Regional Shelf Variants: Not applicable. I'm fairly certain that this creature isn't native to the Library, and has been stranded here from somewhere else instead.
Habitat: Lintukasvihirviö dwells within the Lost Star Lobby. It has built a nest high up on top of the tallest shelves, and uses the miniature star within the space as a source of nutrition through photosynthesis. It's call sounds like leaves rustling in the wind, but like, really loud.
Behavior: Very hostile. When approached, it will let out a call similar to the sound of a tree being unrooted, and the flowers across its body will blossom in a stunning display meant to intimidate and disorient. My attempts to observe it more closely have been unsuccessful, as I have not dared to go within crushing distance. Mine weren't though. Wait, what? I mean, I was just hanging around Lost Star Lobby the other day when I heard its call. I decided to climb the shelves to take a closer look at it. It did try to scare me away at first, but when I moved very slowly and carefully, with a chocolate bar outstretched as a peace offering, it allowed me to approach. It relaxed quickly when it realized that I wasn't going to hurt it, and now we're best buds!
I think it was just scared.
Warning: Very hostile. Do not approach. Nonsense.