So, basically what my idea is that in the far reaches of reality there are these creatures that are made of the shadowy remnants of the edge of reality. Nobody knows what they look like, not even the creatures themselves but when the wind is blowing in the right direction they take their appearance on this Earth. When the People of the Reaches appear they find a suitable person and take the appearance of it; while in this form they can smell the air, feel the breeze and see the world in new eyes.
While they can see the people of our world, hear what they are saying and even thinking they choose not to interact with us. It is not known why they do this but even if a family member the original version of the being tries to interact with the mimic it will not respond. The People of the Reaches only return to the far Reaches of Reality if:
1: Someone tries to physically harm them.
2: The creature that they're mimicking becomes aware of their existence
3: The time in which the Creature of the Reaches has occupied our Reality reaches 24 hours
That's all I've got going for my story at the moment. Please reply what you think I should add or change to make this better.