So I have been having trouble logging into the Foundation (Have the pass code and all just can’t seem to link to the next step to join for some reason) so I thought School it! I am already a member with the Serpent’s hand and the story I got is abstract enough that maybe it can pass.
So here it is:
Dr. Cimmerian Vs Existential Dread.
It is exactly what it sounds like Dr. Cimmerian of the Foundation’s Ethics Committee goes up against the concept of anxiety about the nature of their individual and/or human existence as a whole.
It’s short, dark, and funny. (note: ignore the interview tab. That is for another thing I am working on.)
So does this story fit with the Wanderers Library and if so what do I do with it? (I am seriously clueless on how to post articles….)
Edit: So I found the problem was with my web browser and was able to re-send an application form so hopefully that will fix my "Can't Join Foundation Problem". So I probably don't need to put this in the Wanderer's Library but feel free to still give it a read and tell me what you think. Thank you all for dealing with my Stupidity.