Tea bags missing
It was the end
i was at the roof
I was looking down
Finding a end because i lost my tea
Or it could be my tea was stolen
Time to find out
I walked away from the roof.
down the stairs i went
Looking at all who decide to vent
He entered his house
Finding a end to his pointless scout.
He looked around in a pout
as finding nothing to make him spout
He left in a hurry
Finding nothing in his flurry
He went outside
He went to the couch
and only found stuff to make him grouch
He went to the mansion
to find something to make him expiration
but he did not find
The thing to sooth his mind
But then he heard a ho ho ho
And then he started to glow
his mind was beginning to flow
As his tea began to fall
right into his arms as he called
Thank you and merry Christmas.
i would love if i could get some critique on this to help me make this better.