So, while I've been meandering around the Library, I've been thinking up a few possible ideas. I have an enjoyment for characters and stories that "bridges" the gap between extraordinary/paranormal/anomalous and scientific fact in a way where both coexist together, and I think such would be an interesting idea.
- The POV character is possibly a member of The Serpent's Hand, even perhaps a researcher that works in conjunction with The Serpent's Hand and the SCP Foundation for the goal of understanding how these objects came to be and why their nature is as it is, especially for the seemingly mundane but very unusual (such as the nature of SCP-662's "Mr. Deeds" in teleportation and revival) or in an attempt to find a way to decode SCP-049's journals. SCP research, of course, wouldn't be all they do. They'd be doing plenty of other things with the strange and extraordinary too.
- The character themself may have a point of view where they're "in the middle" of the Foundation's general view and The Serpent's Hand's general belief; essentially under an "some things are truly harmful, but an understanding should still be found" sort of mindset. In terms of classic alignments, they may fall under "True Neutral". Otherwise seems very isolated from a thematic standpoint (but on a sillier note, would probably want to befriend a sentient SCP or other such entity they may encounter, even the dangerous ones).
- Are they anomalous in their own right? No one really knows, maybe not even them. As far as they're aware, their upbringing was painfully dull. Or could that be attributed to a dosage of a Class-B Amnestic? Either way, they also seem rather unbothered by the things they witness in their research, further questioning who they really are or maybe if they're just a little out-of-touch…
Those are just some ideas that have been swirling through my head lately~ What do you all think, would any of this be worth working into a character, a story, or even a series?