Lawyer - "Hi there Sir please take a seat."
Just some random dude - "So what's this all about ?"
Lawyer ? - "A contract that you need to sign"
Just some random dude - "Ugh.. Can I read it before I sign it ?"
Lawyer - "Of course you can !"
Just some random dude - -Reads in head- Blah blah blah gun blah blah blah exchange for soul blah blah blah become a class D blah blah blah Let Dr.Bright feed you to blah blah blah you get a lifetime supply of pony's Doritos and Mouton dew !
Lawyer - "Ok Dr.Bright you can take him away now."
Some random dude - "I still get the pony's Doritos and Mt.Dew right ?"
Dr.Bright - "Uh… Sure if you can survive having your soul taken away and then being tested on till your heart stops pumping.. Sure !"
Some random dude - "Ya !"
Author notes - Like I said me and my friends had way way way to much fun. I hope you enjoyed.