First things first, a note from all of us - We recommend headphones for the sounds. Go get your glasses to read and admire the pretty sketches. Don't be stubborn.
Okay with that out of the way, Team RVUS is back! This time with the start of what will hopefully be a series, Field Guide to the Shelves. [Sebarus and Avelon21 are lovely to work with, Hili helped with the writing and team morale while Avelon helped with both the writing and wonderful SFX. I was on writing and art, as expected.
Sounds and art are both released under CC, art was made by me and SFX made by Avelon but additional credits will be added shortly.
Please enjoy! If you have any suggestions for staff variants, which will hopefully be the next volume, please let us know!
But the time flies, irretrievable.