Hi there! Glad to see you read this article I wrote.
After JamCon, I admittedly was scared to contribute here again seeing how I had trouble writing so quickly. So I took a break and waited a bit until the right time came. Then, with a burst of emotion and a voice I wanted others to here, I drafted this out. The next morning I took a look at it halfway done and went "This could work on the Wanderer's Library quite nicely." In the end, I made this with some very insightful critique and encouragement from Karablue9482 does not match any existing user name.
Why Tome A? Because there will be a Tome B, duh. I'm kidding ily.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little story about the foundation and their will to contain, yet the necessity to make change.
The last time I checked the Bible was public domain. Unless I'm very mistaken, I am allowed to use it here.
~~~🐜Ant boi baby🐜~~~