Hi everyone! This is only my second story here so feel free to give any feedback. Special thanks to @Skipmeister for reading the earlier draft, but any bad writing is purely mine.
Edit: I got a great suggestion from ThePianoMan1616 below to add more references to the story. If anyone has seen any real stories here in the library that would fit, or comes up with some funny titles and authors, feel free to post them below. I'll take some ones I feel can integrate and put them in to make it better. I love linking to other stories anyways.
Edit 2: I tried to add in some other titles, but in the end I felt they messed with the pace a bit and I wasn't quite able to make it sound right. So I guess I'll leave them out for now until I improve my skills. That said, if anyone wants one of their pieces included as a cross reference please let me know! I love linking to other articles.