Everything I said in chat about trimming the prose still applies. A lot of your sentences run long and should be split up.
The dialogue is also really stiff.
I'd look to actually see more of the witch stoking the magic rather than just a brief, threatening encounter followed by "okay she's fucking shit up now". It feels rushed.
I'd like to get more of a description as she speaks in the second part instead of just disembodied dialogue.
Suddenly the young man that was talking to the witch was ripped in half by a shade bearing the face of Fedot Katin.
Stuff like this could stand to be more vivid. It feels very mechanical/expository. In general the action in the scene (and story) should be described in more detail. Things feel rushed and the pacing is odd.
I can give more detail in chat/PM if you want. The story's fine, it's just that the writing is too weak to keep it enjoyable.