Hello! So far, I haven't been active on the site, but I just wanted to ask about other people's writing flow and "how" you write.
How do you write?
I was just wanting people to reply about how they write. What I mean by that is: do you write on paper or on a computer? Or are you so classy you use a typewriter? How many pages (or words) do you write a day? Do you write daily? What do you like to write about? And for that matter, what do you like to read? What do you think of the foundation? Feel free to promote anything you've written, I guess.
You don't have to answer all of those questions, I just wanted to get the point across. :)
My writing flow
I tried to write a novel about a year ago, but I wasn't writing every day, and I just ran out of steam. For about a month or so, I've been writing a novel that I had thought a lot about beforehand. I have about 100-120 pages done, and right now, I'm writing about 10 pages a day. At first, my goal was to just write daily, but now, I'm pretty consistent, so I'll have the first draft done by the end of next month, more or less. I haven't planned out anything before I write it down. When I started writing it, I had no sense of time/where these scenes were taking place in the grand scheme of the novel, but now a more coherent sense of time has started to emerge. I write longhand w/ pen and paper, because it's more satisfying to have a notebook full of writing then something in a google doc. I can write (in college-rule paper) about a page every 10-13 minutes.
I often feel hesitant when I sit down, and a part of me just wants to delay it (or more likely) or just put it off for tomorrow. If I think about writing as getting the chance to get immersed in a story and spend time watching what happens to the characters in the story, it's a lot better of a reason then just thinking about sitting down in a room in front of a notebook and my wrist is going to hurt after a few hours.
I think SCP is really cool too. I'm not a geek-out lore person. I've never gotten any ideas for what I would wrote about in the traditional SCP format, even though I've read a lot of inspirational SCPs.
I know a lot of people can feel hesitant about just writing, because 'what if what I write sucks,' but I don't think when I write, I instead observe what's going on in my head.
It's very satisfying to have a story that I have preserved physically. Having something that feels like it materializes out of nothing is really satisfying.
After I finish my first draft, I'll leave it alone for about two months, and in that time, I plan on writing some short stories, which I might post on this website. I don't think I'll post my novel on the website or anything, and chances are it won't be publishing-level writing, but I'll keep writing until I start producing decent material.