Hello folks! We're pleased to announce that we're going to be trying something new out: The Wanderer's Library mentorship program. This will be, simply put, a way for newer writers with potential and an interest in writing for the Library to be matched with experienced site members who can help guide them through the process of planning, writing, and editing a story. This is a test run before we do a full launch, and as such only I and Rounderhouse will be taking on mentees this session. If successful, we will bring on non-staff writers to serve as mentors, and request another round of applications.
To start, Rounder and I will each be taking on *one* mentee, to get a feel for the work without overloading ourselves. The menteeship will be a one-month program, wherein you will meet regularly with your mentor (ideally in voice chat, but just text is acceptable as well), in addition to staying in contact/available between meetings (or another platform, if you wish). By the end of it, you will hopefully have a complete, edited draft that you can post as a work on the site!
The application will be up for two weeks (until May 4th at 11:59 central time), after which Rounder and I will do additional screening/interviews with candidates we like before making our decision. Note that the application and program are meant for people who do not qualify for an author page either here or on the SCP website (meaning less than 3 works published on either site). The goal is to help bring in people who are relatively new to writing, not just provide a little extra critique for someone who already knows their stuff. If you're an established writer… well, you don't need it.
Note: Yes, there are only two of us doing this. Yes, this means only two applications will be selected out of everyone who applies. Yes, that sucks for the people who aren't selected. Unfortunately, at least for now, this is the most we can feel comfortable committing to without worrying about overloading ourselves. As we expand we'll work on seeing how we can bring more people in, and don't worry: We plan to start working on other resources for new/developing writers. We're not just trying to leave you in the dust!