"Lua has a deserved reputation for performance. To claim to be "as fast as Lua" is an aspiration of other scripting languages. Several benchmarks show Lua as the fastest language in the realm of interpreted scripting languages." As the Lua homepage takes great pains to assure, running a Lua program quickly is not meant to be a great feat at all.
Next, I'm not sure a programmer would conflate the function of the RAM with the processor. From what I know, calculating digits of pi and generating combinations of words are simply running a single function again and again (which would use the processor), and running a video game is more of a GPU thing than a RAM thing, and neither of those tasks are particularly impressive when a good desktop could do it.
I'm not sure what "Calculate digits of pi/Then for each 100,000th digit/Calculate one possible chess game" even means, considering that there are infinite digits of pi and a finite number of chess games. Similarly, "the next prime within graham's number" sounds like nonsensical advice to me - what is the previous prime? Is it the largest known prime? Then why add the caveat "within graham's number"? If the next largest-known-prime is below Graham's number, it would've been calculated anyway regardless of the caveat? - though I think infinite RAM would actually allow the storage and manipulation of Graham's number after running the algorithm to generate it.
—Since this computer seems to have infinite ram, i'm just going to plug in a simulation of the big bang
This isn't something one is "just going to do". Even with unlimited RAM. While infinite RAM could store a model of the universe, my hunch tells me that this is a job for infinite parallel processors instead, if you want something approaching a playable game.
—Im gonna try to plug in computer controls to conscience intent.
I'm very confused as to what you're trying to say here. Your internal moral compass guides the computer controls? You're trying to (verb)conscience (noun)intent? The following line doesn't clarify my confusion either.
I just spent the entire day optimizing my code.
Im an idiot.
Kind of funny, actually. Though I'm not sure if optimisation happens on the RAM level or the processor level, or the hardware level.
—I guess the butterfly effect is bull.
but… the protagonist just proved in their experiment that a minor change can have larger consequences in a simulated reality?
Lastly, if the protagonist doesn't think the docents can read a plaintext cipher, with a fixed key, and the key publically shown, wrapped up in code that's… supposed to obfuscate it in some way? the docents in this iteration of the library must be very simple people indeed. fwiw, i didn't bother with pen and paper and googled "substitution cipher solver" instead.