This will be my first submission ever, so naturally I would like some input on how things look, especially since I am layout illiterate for the most part. I used some of the basic insight, but will eventually want to make my own theme for each arc to distinguish them.
A little backstory on the title, as it's a bit odd: This tale was originally a tabletop session, a little over ten years ago now. NWoD had released their 2e core book and a few others, and the first thing we noticed was the addition of "beats" to give experience points a little filter and allowed the characters to last a little longer before retiring them. Through some laziness and just people being silly, we came up with "This Has Nothing to Do with Beat Drops" and has kinda stuck despite many more appropriate conventions we could have taken.
This is effectively a culmination of the main group's session, but the story isn't necessarily closed, and there have been splinter stories spread throughout already, and has become sort of a theme. I hope if I write more of these, it will become a bit clearer.
They/Them, please!
~Sailor, Streamer, Friend~