Synopsis: first part of a series set in a world where a series of disasters ended the Information Age, destroyed all digital memory of the 2000s-2020s and forced the world to get by on 90s tech in 2032. Main character is a video game developer from a dead country and scattered people with a lot of problems and almost no friends.
4000 words
- What do we think of the setting?
- What do we think of the characters?
- Is the speculative fiction angle distracting or does it harmonize with the existing drama
- Was anything about the story distancing or confusing for you?
- Give me feedback about the prose—i’m worried it is too plain or that the words I’m choosing are to*o…idk…academic. I’m always nervous about the balance of show and tell
- Is this chapter paced well, or is too much happening too quickly?
- Were there any beats that really ‘hit’ for you, and were there any you that fell flat?