Jesus Christ, that was a wild ride from start to finish. After rereading it twice I figured out the narrator was lying about the Black Dog and anytime he mentioned it he was lying. Also noticed the Angel Jerahmeel was referred to as both He and She, making them seem like two different people. Interesting. This is an article that just leaves me wondering more and more about almost every part of it and I love it. +1 and my applause good sir.
Edit: Not gonna lie, the mention of Jormungandr was probably my favorite bit. You're literally talking about Jormungandr, the snake that will stop biting its tail, and freaking kill Thor, and you're saying you just keep him in the back room cause he enjoys reading about a Frenchmen's love of baguettes. Like, "Ya that's JorJor back there, don't mind him. He just likes reading about the love affair between a croissant and an English muffin." Greatest thing I've seen all day.