I love the style this is written in (so many great turns of phrase), and I'm eager to see more. Excellent.
Gah, sorry for the editing clusterfuck. I decided to tag all of the journal entries and was 10% of the way through before I realized that there's over 50 of the damn things!
Also, this is great, and I definitely want to read all of these when I get the chance.
Rite of passage. Good setup, I'm interested to see where this is taken. Introducing the woods is a better way of throwing us into this world and the description is very interesting.
Reading through all of these on my quest to read every story or other entry contained within this library. I see comments about it being a 'rite of passage' to go through, would anyone mind explaining this to me as I am new here? Upon my first readthrough, I find it quite captivating of an introduction. I cannot wait to dive into this story.
Longjourney has been going on for over ten years at this point, and is seen as a staple of the Wanderers Library community; most community members have fond memories of the series, no matter if they joined in 2013 or in 2023. For many people, it was their first introduction to the Library. Even today, it's still being added to.
Also, the author of this series, DrEverettMann, was one of the founding members of the Wanderers Library, and is still master admin of the website!
That's amazing! Thank you for the response, and my apologies on my late one.