Semi-recently, the nice folks at FailBetter Games have opened their web-based game/storytelling engine StoryNexus to general (free) usage. The way that it works is there's a deck of story cards from which you draw. Each usually has several options from which to pick. Depending on your stats, you have certain percent chance of success or failure, each with its own increases and decreases for certain qualities. For example, if I try to seduce someone and succeed, my persuasive stat might increase; if I fail, my scandal stat might increase instead. This makes pacing and progression more straightforward ("you must have X amount of stat Y to use this option").
I was thinking that it might be interesting to try making a WL game using this system. Each person could have a storylet (usually anywhere from 6-15 interconnected cards/options) for which they would be responsible, as well as a certain number of random non-storylet cards. This would represent a significant undertaking, and so would be a fairly long-term thing. However, I also think that this could be a great deal of fun, and a lot of the work that I've seen using this system would fit the Library quite well (to see what I mean, check out Fallen London or The Silver Tree). Additionally, there's no single set tone for the system; there are games where you play as a bacteria as well as ones where you play as a sky captain.
So, my question is: would anyone else potentially be interested in doing this?