I wrote this as an extension of some of the ideas about gods that had been developed on the Library before; being that gods are created from belief or as manifestations of an archetype. The narrator is one of those - basically, an imaginary friend who never went away because he always there in the believer's long-term memory, and on some level, the believer still adored him and even thought he existed, despite consciously knowing such things are silly.
He was created out of psychological necessity: in essence, to qualify the believer's own self-worth and tell them how nice and pretty they were, and how wrong that boy who said they were ugly and stupid was. And while essentially became an obsolete function the very next day, it still defined this extant entity. He is an entity who's very existence is based around thinking that this one person is really nice.
Essentially, he was a god with a worshipper of one.
And the article itself is about how he's coping now that that one worshipper has either fully forgotten about him, or is dead.