So, many of you will be familiar with MisterFlame's Midnight tumblr page, which gave me an idea. Something the Library needs more of is characters, and a good medium to flesh them out, and the slow rate at which articles have been trickling in means we could also do with an easy way for people to contribute.
My idea is this: authors on the site open a series of open, collaborative Q&A pages, using a character of theirs. The character can be one you've used before and want to flesh out, a character you just think would be entertaining, or someone completely new. Anyone will be free to post and ask questions on these pages.
The aim is that at the end of this series, the characters created will have been developed enough, and their creators will have a good enough idea of them, to easily use them in other works. The conceit can be, say, book in Q&A format, or they could just be spread across the Library, in the archives, or even just in the forum (in a special IC section, of course).
Is anyone up for this?
EDIT: Okay, I thought about it, and I think it's probably best not to start this out in actual articles. There's no reason the Q&As can't be transferred to the Library proper afterwards, but just the nature of the format means this is probably best done through say, Tumblr, or via forum.