So I've written this out of the blue and well yeah, is this alright or does it need more?
A Simple Short that I wrote.
» Forum Discussion / Ideas and Advice
» A Simple Short that I wrote.
A Simple Short that I wrote.
GeGreene 02 May 2014 03:14
Way, way too short. Needs a lot more, this barely feels like an outline.
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!
That's the point, a simple short, I could redo it as a poem maybe.
That's what I wasn't sure about. I didn't know if it was supposed to be a poem or something else. I rather enjoy the writing itself but I'm not sure I understand what it's supposed to be about, unless I'm missing some cultural reference.
Gonna second roget in that it is far too short. If you added some real meat to it, possibly expanded on each aspect, it could be really good, you do seem to get the wistful tone down however.