First Hall: The Exhibition Hall
The Library has never been limited by only the written word. Stories can be told in a variety of mediums, and the Library is not one to be picky. Here, within the liminal hallways rest the stories told through other methods - sights and sounds galore.
EH 0.00 - 0.99: Alcove of the Seen
Adorned with ink dripping from the walls and paint splatters on the floor, the items stored in this section of the Exhibition Hall focus on the visual senses. Sketchbooks, graphic novels, bestiaries, comics, and more line the shelves with select pieces hanging from the bookcases. Patrons are welcome to take the blank books and add their own visuals, but be warned not to sketch over another artists' works.
EH 0.1: The Gatekeeper's Sketchbook
EH 0.2: Stay Here, Draw Spaceships
EH 0.3: Incongruous Reptile-like Skirmishes
EH 0.4: The doodles of a bored, unartistic, octopus man.
EH 0.5: The Giftkeeper's Notebook
EH 0.6: Pann tes Relil's Bestiary
EH 0.7: Art Mycotherapy
EH 0.8: Ché's Art Journal
EH 0.9: Keep out area of the resident punk
EH 0.10: Ignota's Illustrated Writing Prompts
EH 0.11: The Wanderers Gallery
EH 0.12: Eleventh Hour
EH 0.13: Owlpede's Disaster Scrapbook
EH 0.14: Me and
EH 0.15: Where I Sleep at Night
EH 0.16: Some Illustrations From the Chronicles of the Daevas
EH 0.17: Gods And Gladiators
EH 0.18: New Life
EH 1.00 - 1.99: Alcove of the Heard
Upon entering this section of the Exhibition Hall, Patrons find themselves surrounded with music and auditory stimulation. While perhaps overwhelming when first entering the Hall, Patrons can take a single work with them to enjoy the sounds in a more quiet area of the Library, or find directions to where the latest concert is happening.
EH 1.1: Serpentsongs
EH 1.2: Improvised Ragtime at Atrium 21
EH 1.3: Collected Musical Manifestations of Thematically Cohesive Areas in Our Library, Circa 2020
EH 1.4: TBGOL's Song and Lore
EH 1.5: cubesong
EH 2.00 - 2.99: Alcove of the Constructed
Warping the very way the Library itself works, artists in this section of the Exhibition Hall bend space and time to their will. The familiar walls take on new coats of paint while the stories change their font and texture.
EH 2.1: Wanderers' Dust Jacket Theme
EH 2.2: Wanderers Station Theme
EH 2.3: Wanderers Depths Theme
EH 2.4: Ghost Record Theme
EH 2.5: Vitalis LLC Theme
EH 2.6: "Once Upon a Time" Theme
EH 2.7: Our Books Have Been Stolen!
EH 2.8: Gathers' Gatherings Theme
EH 2.9: The Dreamers' Library Theme
EH 2.10: Atlas' Burden Theme
EH 2.11: River Bank Theme
EH 2.12: Motherboard Theme
EH 2.13: The Wretched Luncheon
EH 2.14: Generic Space Theme
EH 2.15: Biopunk Theme
EH 2.16: Cafe Theme
EH 2.17: Ironband Theme
EH 2.18: Revelatrix Theme