Huntsman's Journals Hub
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Who is the Huntsman?

Not much is known about the Huntsman's early life. Any record of his past lies in a mass grave with the histories of everyone else who lost their true names. But while his true name is lost, his new name has built a reputation of its own: The Huntsman is a man who's traveled to all corners of the Library. The Huntsman is a man who studies monsters like the academic he claims to have been and exploits their weaknesses like the hunter that he is. The Huntsman comes prepared in mind and in arsenal. The Huntsman's journals will teach you how to do the same.

Journal Entries:

Feel free to add your own article to the bottom of the list

How To Write Huntsman Articles:

There's hardly any strict formatting when it comes to the Huntsman's journal. All a journal entry needs the section number in the title and the following code:

[[module CSS]]
body {
    background: linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)), url(;
    background-repeat: repeat;
#page-content a, #breadcrumbs a { color: #527352; }

This will give your article the paper background used in other Huntsman articles and make links green so that they're easier to see.

As far as advice for writing Huntsman articles goes, I (AnActualCrow) would recommend using the Huntsman's subjectivity in your article. Since he's writing the journals on his own, you could use his own biases and personal experiences to further whatever narrative you're trying to tell. It's also important to consider that the Huntsman is someone who’s fought and studied for the majority of his life — that is to say he knows what he’s talking about. The intriguing part (for PlaguePJP) is the world The Huntsman lives in. He uses his prior knowledge when charting a new land or battling a new beast. He’s an expert: he’s not invincible, but he knows his way around.

Another important aspect of journal entries (especially the more encyclopedic ones) is flavor. I define flavor as information that isn't necessary for the plot or characters, but makes the world feel more realized1. The section on dragon genera in Section 1: Identifying, Hunting, and Betraying Dragons could have been a table with the name, size, and appearance, but the flavor is what stops it from being dreadfully boring (ignore this if you think that section is boring as is).

Another way to add flavor is to reference events outside the bounds of the story. PlaguePJPPlaguePJP did this in his entry on Section 121: The Nordic Draugr, casually mentioning past werewolf encounters. The Northern Draugr shows how vague of a concept flavor is, since the details about werewolves and silver bullets are relevant to the plot, but I still think of them as flavor.

While the following code for blockquotes isn't necessary, it is recommended:

  background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(239,226,206, 1) 30%, rgba(239,226,206, 0.4) 100%);
  border-right: none !important;
  border-top: none !important;
  border-bottom: none !important;
  text-align: justify;
  box-shadow: none !important;

Keep in mind that this will only affect blockquotes created with "> ". [[div class="blockquote"]] will ignore this code and give you normal blockquotes.

If you want to use betterfootnotes in your journal entry, include the following code in your CSS module so that the footnote is the correct color:

:root {
     --fnColor: #223B22;

With all that out of the way, happy hunting!

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