Welcome to my secret armory. I'm Ioannis, but you may call me Π, my pseudonym. Here's where I keep my collection of weapons, armors, and ammunition, both created by me or collected in my wanders around the Ways. As you can see, I'm a hoplomancer, a mage of the cold weapons and armors, thus my interest in these kinds of relics. At the same time, I'm fascinated with old texts. Every old inscription that I've found has been translated by me or one of my students. You are free to roam the armory, but don't touch the artifacts.
Some of the documents, books, and papers that I had translated, written, or found in the Wanderers' Library. Most of them I keep for study or because they made me curious about something.
- Visviseha, translated from ancient daevic runes. It's a historical poem about the ancient and forgotten city of Visviseha, destroyed in the war between the Nälkä and the Daeva. Maybe a forgery, as Visviseha is described as a city made of "flesh and bones", but the Kiraakian architecture1 was invented by the Kalmaktama Empire which was created after the fall of the Daeva Empire.
- The Sleep and his Six Children, apparently an ancient greek lost myth. Possibly a fable created by a "Hans Andersen" or "Brothers Grimm" figure of the Alexylva University reality. Talks about different types of dreams and the rite of passage of the younger son of Hypnos, a prince without a name.
- None, yet.
- Morty's Meat &Munchies, an epistolary conjunct of documents about a strange event around a Food Company. The veracity of the facts and the universe where it took place is to be researched.
The Armory
One of the arts of the hoplomancy is the forgery. Creating magical weapons is a difficult job that demands intelligence and strength. This armory contains material that I made myself or that I collected during my travels and training through the world.
These are my personal things. Don't touch anything!
Out of Character
Hi, I'm Impperatrix! I'm a Brazilian writer, artist, game designer, fan of cosmic horror, cinema, comics, RPG, Indie Pop, and mythology, male, cis, gay, leftist, and long time SCP fan. You can call me any pronoun except "it/its". I'm trying to write more as I have a dream to write cinematic scripts.
Thanks for reading my things! Please, feel free to crit my works, even if you feel that you'll be harsh, just don't be rude.