Joy Comes to me in Different Shades of Red
rating: +15+x

What am I doing?

Among these people

What am I doing?

Wearing a mask of human skin, pulling it taught and loose when they do

What am I doing?

When the blood drips down the side of my neck, I smear it on my-not mine.-cheeks

What am I doing?

I pull on the skin of the jester, forcing my fingers to fill the loose space, fitting pins in any loose flaps

What am I doing?

Dancing as they cackle at my bloody footprints, feet struggling to find purchase as I slip and slide around in the gore

What am I doing?

My voice supplements the cacophony of noise surrounding it, not quite matching the pitch of the others

What am I doing?

I can feel it slipping, the squelch of pins ripping themselves free, the wet sliding of the skin against muscle

What am I doing?

The air is sharp as it meets me, sunlight deprived and damp. Once again bare

What am I doing?


The skin sloughs to the floor, with a wet, gushing slap


My heart beats faster, displacing the muscle around it with sharp, frantic bursts


I smile nervously, my lack of lips making it more of a toothy grimace


I resume my dance, with no laughter or cries of mirth to cover the sound of my joints clicking and groaning


No one cheers


No one screams


No one claps


I still


My lungs rapidly contract and expand, tearing the surrounding flesh


Blood runs down my legs and soaks the carpet


I'm alone now, my only company the sticky carpet borderline attached to the soles of my feet


I open my mouth to scream


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