Aeons ago, the universe was teeming with life, life transcending the largest voids the universe had to offer. It was a golden era built upon the graves of the Shikarans, a menace of metal and circuits. Now that the universe is mostly dead, its master, the Nouktan, is grasping for every star they can as the extra-dimensional settlers, the Orthothans, the Immortal Empire, and others like them are pushing them deeper into the cosmos. Dead planets orbit their stars, with the younger races fighting against the berserk automata of Nouktan and a threat re-emerging from the darkest voids.
However, there exists one galaxy where life is teeming, holding the largest population in the universe, in the cove, ironically called the dead. As a result of Nouktan boredom, the galaxy is emerging as a refuge for all who wish to be saved. Millions of ships have departed for this promised land, braving the coming ravages of tens of millenia through the treacherous void.
The galaxy of Morar, the giant fortress galaxy, home of tens of trillions of humans, the Luminal Oasis, has inhabitants ignorant of their own past, present, and certainly the future.
- Stories from Earth, mankind’s cradle
- Stories from Morar, the last galaxy where life thrives
- Stories from beyond, an unceasing battlefield
The cradle of mankind, Earth, has always been under the watchful eyes of the Hand of Security. A primitive world for most of its life, Earth has seen remarkable growth in the last thousand years. Slowly but steadily, mankind is taming its wild surface, making presence on all of it’s continents and oceans, and now it's preparing for its next step: to tame the space it considers to be a barren and virgin land. Only if it were true.
Despite the growth, however, Earth has also seen wars. The Daevite-Mekhanite wars, the salting of Carthage, the Second World War, and recently the explosive return of the Mekhanite Empire is steadily pushing humanity on Earth towards its edge. However, there is still hope—hope for billions of souls.