I met my boyfriend in highschool during an exchange student program. We clicked almost instantly, became friends, and eventually one thing led to the other and we began dating.
It's been a year since that and we're honestly both really happy with each other. He's really sweet and understanding with me and despite our differences in both biology, culture and personality, we are a pretty healthy and wholesome couple. The problem? Well, I'm a leporian and he's a nocturnal avis born during a quarter third moon.
This of course isn't a problem for me, but my family. They're really, REALLY conservative when it comes to dating outside of your Linnean classification and are even worse with "predator and prey" relationships, like the one I have. My sisters (15F & 28F) are cool with it (though the eldest had some troubles breaking her toxic mentality, the youngest is way more like me in that sense lol), but my dad (61M) is the problem. I love my dad a lot, he's a great guy, but he's really classist and says messed up comments that fall in the "no daughter of mine will mingle with a fuckin' meat-eater" category really often. Because of that, I've had to keep my relationship a secret for him, with the help of my siblings and friends that is.
Recently, my boyfriend told me he wants to take the big step given our relationship is starting to get serious, and asked me to introduce him to my family personally. This of course set me back a lot, given I don't want my father to start any fights nor make him uncomfortable, so I denied the request and explained the situation. He said he understood, but I could see he became visibly upset.
I don't know what to do, honestly. Ever since that last conversation I have been noticing some tension between us, and is starting to grow. I don't want it to become a problem and hinder our relationship, but I also don't want any trouble with my dad nor family. What should I do?
Celeste_Griffon · 2 days ago
In avis culture, meeting your partner's family is a really big deal. Denying to do so when they ask is seen as a not so suttle way of telling your S/O the equivalent of "sorry, our thing isn't going to last, sucks to be you." Of course, I'm not shunning you for not knowing about it. It just seems to be the reason why your boyfriend got so upset when you told him no, I'd also be really sad if I were him.
OP · seedling_munchin_creature · 2 days ago
Oh, I'm well aware of the welcoming dinner! This is why I'm not really blaming him for such a reaction… Seriously, I really don't want to make him think I'm downplaying his traditions, I only want what's best for him and a huge argument with my father is definitedly not it.
aurelianIris · 2 days ago
OP just say you're racist and go, is not that hard.
FANGZZ_&_MANDIBLEZ · 2 days ago
planasthai post-it users get reading comprehension challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
OctoPinkiePie · 2 days ago
…So, let me get this straight. You very politedly explained the situation with nothing but the best of intentions, yet he still got sad he couldn't meet your shit family?
Girl, dump him, he's not worth your kindness. And knowing how men act up when they're told "no", he's probably going to guilt-trip and gaslight you into doing it despite your discomfort with some bullshit excuse.
_luvdeedee · 2 days ago
Agree! Plus, isn't it reaaaaaally sus that OP went "Oh no my dad is a huge asshole but I still love him so much?" Not to mention she's dating a bird of prey… sounds like Stockolm's.
[deleted user] · 2 days ago
Oh, I'm really sorry that is happening to you. My family was the same with my last partner so I can really sympathize, I really wish I could say something else besides wishing you luck and hoping things get solved with both your bf and dad.
Also, you said you're a leporian? Omg, does that make you a half-rabbit creature? I love bunnies! And your boyfriend… is he like, a bird? I'd love to know more about him, as well as the highschool you two go to and the exchange program you mentioned, it sounds really interesting.
OP · seedling_munchin_creature · 2 days ago
… I'm a pika, and we both are in college right now. Thank you for the good wishes but I'm not sure what those had to do with my question…
[deleted user] · 2 days ago
What college? Can you hide your animal ears and pass as a borderline human or not?
OP · seedling_munchin_creature · 2 days ago
…What the… wha-?
UNGOCPSYCHE_Official · 1 day ago
Good timezone everyone. This account was made only to apologize to the Wanderers' Library community as a whole and p/partnerships users for the behavior caused by user [SerpentSnakeLady].We on the Embassy had zero idea about what was going on nor the existance of said account, only being notified of such a breach of command just now.
The user was acting without having been ordered by a superior. Not only they've been severely reprimanded for such reckleness, the account has been terminated.
I'm afraid we can do little to nothing more to prove to this community that we mean no harm besides this message. If it helps, you may share this around to other Planasthai Post-It to help spread awareness that the Global Occult Coalition doesn't support spies. We didn't mean to scare anyone.
We hope this incident doesn't repeat, and we on the PSYCHE department will make sure of it.
Thank you everyone for reading, and have a nice day.
Olivederchi · 1 day ago
🤨 Is this a joke?
Olivederchi · 1 day ago
…Holy fuck guys, is not a joke (DM for proof).
Bro just posted genuine cringe 💀
kawaiikittenmuffin0w0 · 1 day ago
Bro fr thought we were going to sympathize with the half assed excuse of "They weren't following my orders!" 💀💀
bacon_pancakeszz · 1 day ago
Melodylover1986 · 1 day ago
[banned user] · 1 day ago
Bestie they're beating your ass in the qRTs 💀
UNGOCPSYCHE_Official · 1 day ago
We would like to inform that user [NotaBlueHelmetLolLmao] is, to the surprise of no one, also one of us.
[banned user] · 1 day ago
[banned user] · 1 day ago
…Hold on, how come all my alts are getting banned and yours is still here even after six hours-
UNGOCPSYCHE_Official · 1 day ago
Skill issue.
OP · seedling_munchin_creature · 20 min ago
… I seriously have no words. I get desperate enough to go to this website and this is how I get treated. Wow, what a wonderful and sympathetic community. /s 🙃
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad since I got help. To all the good-faithed people that answered, I really appreciate it! But the reason why I'm writing this is because I got countless of comments saying really messed up things about both my boyfriend and my relationship. Really? Like if my dad wasn't enough… And to top it off my post got turned into a "lol ratio" chain because of that Bookburner that appeared out of nowhere, ignoring me even more.
You know what? This incident made me realize that, unlike you all, I'm a functioning adult, since I know what my priorities are. So I did what every functional adult is supposed to do: I sat back, relaxed, calmed down, and thought about my response better. And then I talked to my boyfriend more in-depth! And it worked well! Wow, amazing, right?
Turns out I could solve this by myself. Thanks for nothing.
_MochiBunBun · 15 min ago
You began dating your boyfriend when he was a minor and you expect us to be sympathetic? LMAO, save us your pity and have fun being ignored, groomer.
OP · seedling_munchin_creature · Just now
Go touch grass. I'm done