This is the archive for previous prompt entries
Front Page Prompt Entries
Write about getting lost. Write about not being able to be find something, or trying not to. Write about walking and wandering and looking for yourself (or others).
This prompt's tag was "wanderlust01." This prompt ran from April 21 to June 4, 2015. The responses to the prompt were:
- Tale of a Dusk Bunny by Avelon21
- Give 'Em the Old Razzle Dazzle by DrEverettMann
- A Restless Wanderer On The Earth by thedeadlymoose
- After The Cave Was Explored by Tesrec Ameginn
- Topinambour by rumetzen
- Dee Equals Are Tee by TroyL
- It's Good To Be Awake Again by RJB_R
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
How does magic function in space? How can a witch be expected to mix a potion by the light of the moon when in deep space? How does a warlock living in an asteroid belt perform a ritual at night? Write a story about a magic user in space and how they do or don't deal with these and other issues.
This prompt's tag was "spacewitch02." This prompt ran from September 7th to November 11th, 2016. The responses to the prompt were:
- Space Man by Avelon21
- Icarus by rumetzen
- And the sound upon the roof is only water... by RJB_R
- Zovar the Great by weizhong
- Asking Nicely by Todd_Ingram
- Soaring to Sol by Bryx
- Retrieved from Datacluster Found in Gloriana System by Trar
- The Captain's Skull by (user deleted)
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
Relationships can be varied over time and space. Some people fall madly in love, some are mortal enemies, some have the deepest respect for each other. All of this can happen without one person ever meeting the other face to face. Write a story about a relationship between people who've never seen each other.
This prompt's tag was "relationship03." This prompt ran from August 5th to November 2nd.
Entries for the Current Prompt:
- A Suicide Note by MaxtheSac
- A Love For Reading by Tesrec Ameginn
- To You, My Love by TroyL
- Conversations by Bryx
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
Cities rise, and cities fall. They range from small fishing tribes on the edges of rivers, to world-spanning monstrosities, but no matter what size, they all have history, and they all have secrets. Write a story with a city at its center.
This prompt's tag was "cities04." This prompt ran from November 3rd, 2015 to March 23, 2016. The responses to the prompt were:
- Strangled in Gaia's Crib by Trar
- Excerpt from a journal found in a brightly lit city by minmin
- Almost Eldritch by RJB_R
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
The past is full of opportunity, despite what some may say. The threads of history could have been pulled and tugged any which way at any given time. Write about places and institutions that could have been, but weren't..
This prompt's tag was "altplaces05.." This prompt ran from March 23rd to September 7th, 2016. The responses to the prompt were:
- The Castle And The Mirror by minmin
- AKA Driver by RJB_R
- Die Weiße Eisenbahn by Trar
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
That split second in infinity that shapes the soul, that sliver of fate that changes the lives of everybody around it. This prompt is about moments, and the singular moments that can change the world. A teardrop, a laugh, a sunset, a gunshot - what was THE moment?
This prompt's tag was "whyandwho06." This prompt ran from April 21 to June 4, 2015. The responses to the prompt were:
- Into Stony Woods And Out by minmin
- An Incident in the Final Battle of the Dead Kingdom's War by rumetzen
- An Impromptu Excursion by Taffeta
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
The world is full of strange beasts of all shapes and sizes. Some are our friends and protectors. Others are forever burned into our nightmares. All are glorious in their own ways. Write about an animal or creature that isn't found on our Earth.
This prompt's tag was "creatures07." This prompt ran from November 11 2016 to December 11, 2017. The responses to the prompt were:
- Hurricane by Dr Solo
- The Temple Of Mir by rumetzen
- Great Cowbird by RJB_R
- On The Gentle Hair-Tooth, Unfairly Maligned Under The Slanderous Name "Demon-Mouth" by (user deleted)
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
Magicians are, by and large, an AV set. Spells are understood through reading text or hearing old words and are often manifested as flashy light shows or howling maelstroms. But what about the other senses? What about spells that can only be truly understood through taste? Or a spell that manifests as tactile sensation?
This prompt's tag was "av08." This prompt ran from December 11th, 2017 to August 11, 2019 The responses to the prompt were:
- Cave-light by Avelon21
- The Demon From Ozz by AuranSwain
- The Traveler and the Warlock by isitnaturalketchup
- Yorker under the sky by Ze_Gui
- A Knowledge of Roads by RedactionReport
- Everyone Should Read This For Information! by TroyL
Age of the Serpentine Sorting System
Look up when it's dark. Maybe you see stars. Maybe there's a moon, or moons. Maybe there's nothing but a haze of air pollution. The night sky has inspired many writings—Corrin Wayne's romantic poetry to his dead lover, Miyam-Moro's Guide for Aspiring Star Hunters, the Anonymous Prison Window Diaries. What else can you find in this starry collection?
TNS-1: A Story About Stars by Doctor Pann
Do you sit inside when it rains? Or do you venture out into the storm, looking to explore this watery world? Rain is a common theme in works such The Sicilian Counsel's Weather Warnings, Samuel Grey's The Last Hurricane, and ancient myths of Lynean River Guides. What else can you find in this misty collection?
RND-1: Letters to a Prophet #2.5: Wrath of Frog by Din-Bidor
Money makes the world go round, baby. People work for it, people lie for it, people kill for it, and plenty of people have written about it, including the essay collection Banker's Exposes, the crime fiction of Sestin Sestin Noweys, and Nobuhiro Muto's One Hundred Million Yen Blues. What else can you find in this expensive collection?
Unfortunately, there were no entries for this Series :(