Relating to Altered Surfaces
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Excerpts from Summarised Psychography Report 3b.

FROM: Dr. Susanna Wisniewski, CBSU
TO: Thomas Walsh

…and as such, the test can be considered moderately successful. Colour detail remains absent, but the superficial quality of extracted data has increased dramatically from the preliminary trials…


…accuracy also seems to have improved, though the extraction process is still having difficulty distinguishing between abstract/imaginary/delusional manifestations and valid sensory ones; as a result, the procured information is currently unusable in a formal setting.

In some cases, it’s unfeasible to distinguish between fabricated and non-fabricated items….

…Williamson has suggested that the psychological inference be supported by direct neurological interaction, similar to that used in nervous user interface. The schematics produced by the engineering team from Edinburgh incorporating a very specialised NUI connection would seem to theoretically solve almost all the problems we’ve been experiencing, while still avoiding most of the predicted invasive side effects which precluded the involvement of neural interaction up until now.

I’m confident that we can achieve the predicted results by run 7…


…the subject (Leonard Deary) is a 34 year-old Caucasian male, raised and (prior to conviction) residing in Peckham, London. Found guilty of first degree murder on August 2, 2031, with overwhelming corroborating evidence. Transferred into the project on September 7 of the same year. Mr. Deary has no history of psychological illness or substance abuse, barring a moderate use of alcohol.

Investigation has shown that Mr. Deary was, at a young age, relocated to a foster home following a report of abuse involving his mother; the subject’s father having previously ceased contact with the family. Said mother died of liver-related illness several years later. The subject has no known siblings, despite the images present in his extraction…

…the victim of the incident leading to Mr. Deary’s conviction was identified as a Mr. Stephen Lora, the subject’s step-father.

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