Serial number: ROP-7623826826 |
To- HOD, Department of history,
Regional headquarters, Surat, Gujarat
From- Project leader,
Lothal mobile site
Subject: The retrieval of the “Charter of Emancipation” in Lothal
File language requested: English |
Report by: Sunil Seth |
Designation: Project Head, 192323, “Priest King” |
Project Mission: Preservation of Paranormal Sites in Lothal |
Date: 19 Ashvina 1905 |
File type: Report on an ongoing project |
File subtype: academic |
On 16 Ashvina, during a routine excavation in the Lothal, the archaeologists of ASI1 found a tablet beneath a house. The contents of the tablet were written with the Indus Script, due to which the archaeologist assumed that they had found an ancient artefact from the IVC and reported it back to their seniors while simultaneously starting their own endeavour to crack the script. The line “tablet is seemingly made from tree resin” alerted one of our agents in ASI, and immediately Retrieval Task Force-79 was deployed.
The tablet was confiscated, and the site was secured. The parties involved were memory-wiped, and our agents in the Indian government transferred them to another site.
The item is a standard Daevic tablet of dimension 30-20-5 cm, made from Daevic resin. The nature of the tablet is seemingly that of a proclamation, considering that it has a hole on the top and closer examination has shown engravings inside, most likely caused by it getting hung with a thick, coarse rope.
The tablet was brought to the Lothal Mobile site, where the contents were decoded.
Content of the tablet
To all the denizens of Daevon,
Today, I, Yarishna Mirhan, Potnya of Arshuna,2 declare that all slaves in Arshuna shall be freed from servitude. I declare that from now on, no man, woman, or child shall be slaves again within the confines of this settlement. No slave markets will ever be held in this settlement from now on, and all slaves brought here by their masters who wish to live here must be freed as soon as their feet cross the boundary.
I have been moved by the words of the great sage,3 the youth who came down on the street,4 and the signs of the old gods.5 I can no longer believe that our gods can ever condone slavery. I believe that the scarlet maharaja has been deceived by a malevolent spirit and that it is up to us to rectify this mistake.
So our settlement has joined many others to end this vicious cycle—to end slavery and discrimination between sexes. I, along with others of the same mind, will visit Mamjul in a few days and submit our petition. Rajmata Vaslirasirraj-Shirat has already granted the wish of Ardeyon, where now every human is free. We hope she will consider our wishes too.6
This has been done on the wish of the majority, which has accepted the turn of time. Those who still want to dwell in the bygone era, however, may leave with their slaves. I will compensate them, but we can no longer tolerate this practice. It needs to go.
The engravings are dated around 5500 BC; finer observations put it around September 12, 5512 BC. According to the chronology and time calculations of the empire given in the Ceylon Manuscript, if taken to be true, the charter was declared at least four to five days before the Mekhanite invasion of the Daevic empire. As of now, we don't know how this artefact came to its current place.
Personal notes
The discovery of this text has challenged the previous notion in the academia that the Daevites were a monolith on matters of slavery. The very fact that this was seemingly not an isolated incident, but a growing trend in Daevon changes everything. However, the absence of this event in every manuscript we have ever found makes it suspicious if the tablet was a propaganda leaflet by the Irankush movement to legitimize their ideals as a one supported by the people, holding political power. More research is required. Also, I am attaching a part of the transcript of a lecture Professor Joseph gave a few years ago on this matter. I believe that it is relevant to this topic.
An excerpt from the transcript of the lecture given by Dr. Joseph Narayan Kumar, Professor, Department of History, Mayanagar University, on “Slavery and Daevites.
“There are several grievous sins that the historians have committed towards history, including having biases, like in mundane history, Eurocentrism, and erasing the histories of other cultures to provide a basis for western supremacy and justify colonialism.
“The anomalous history is no different. Several times, anomalous societies had their histories rewritten to suit propaganda. To give an example, those from Adyte Polynesia have been taught back home that the Ur Ur people on the island of Xenu were immigrants who displaced the Nalkans who were living there and that they practiced blood magic which included child sacrifice. Historical evidence shows that the Ur Ur people were indigenous to Xenu and that there was no evidence of any kind of blood magic; their supposed outsider identity and child sacrifice rituals were painted by the Nalkan colonists so as to justify their extermination. You can refer to the GOC historical archives to read further on this matter. There are testimonies from the last two survivors of the Ur Ur people as well as Nalkans who participated in the genocide.
“So, back to the main topic, I believe that we have committed another sin, this time against the Daevas. Those who had taken DH101 and 203 must have learned that the Daevites were united in many things, including slavery. There was no opposition to that. The Irankush movement fought for many things: men’s right to marry a slave woman, that the son born out of the union is declared a freeman instead of a slave, the abolishment of religion, and the adoption of progressive ideals. But nothing on slavery. There is no call for the abolishment of slavery.
“Now many of you will have a gut feeling; this feels wrong. How come a movement that was so progressive could not see the evils of the institution of slavery? Mind you, the Daevites by that time were equivalent to the twentieth century. Calls to abolish slavery have been common in every civilization in every way. Like in the USA during the 1800s, white supremacy was at its peak in the South. The black people were considered inferior to the white race, and it was taught to children and reinforced everywhere. Yet we know that there were abolitionists in the South; they were not in great numbers, but still, the white people in the South were not a monolith on this issue. In fact, everywhere we see this same thing, many people from the dominant class, caste, or race fought against this institution.
“And then you see Daevic history, and it looks like all Daevites agreed that slavery is good and must be protected. Now it is me, but I believe with my whole heart that we are missing something. The manuscripts are not completely translated; there must be errors, or we must dig deeper. It is completely wrong to treat the Daevites as an exception on this matter.
“This does nothing but vilify an entire civilization as an evil empire, the very thing a professional historian must avoid at any cost. I will be honest, and I know that my colleagues will surely beat me up (laughs), but I am disappointed with the lazy work they have done on this matter. We can do better at this. I hope that someone from you in the future will prove all of us wrong that the Daevites were just like others, a rainbow of ideologies.
Update 1- 27 Kartika 1934
During a rescue mission within the Giza Pyramid complex as a part of a larger battle against the Resurgent Mekhanite Empire, some soldiers from the Egyptian Rump state discovered a copy of the Chronicles of Daevas (named the Giza manuscript) inside a temple ruin. The manuscript was retrieved with minimal harm and handed over to a Foundation agent. The entire manuscript was made public under the Paris Agreement. The manuscript confirms the information given by the ‘Charter of Emancipation’ that some Daevic settlements did grant freedom to their slaves, which the Rajmata was forced to accept due to the increasing influence of the Irkanush movement.
Paragraph 20731, Chapter 34, “Rise of the Irankush Menace," Giza manuscript
And the Rajmata was on her glorious throne as Mirku, a freed slave, and Isqa, the leader of the Irankush, his wife, stood before her.
"What do you want now? Haven’t you taken enough from me?” Rajmata asked in her weary voice. The transgression of the wicked Irankush grew day by day.
“Potnya of all Potnyas, we know that emancipation of all slaves is a dream still far away from the time of my death. I have learned enough to know that the economy of Daevon depends on the fruits of our labor. So I won’t ask you to free all the slaves in an instant. But grant me this wish: let the potnya of the settlements choose the fate of slaves; let the Daevon divide between free and slave states.” Mirku announced his outrageous demand before her holiness.
“This divide will destroy Daevon; I refuse.”
“If your holiness refuses my demand, then you may find peace in your time, but your successors will face the wrath of a thousand Iuns, the wrath of a thousand Urks,7 do Potnya of all Potnyas wish for a civil war?”
“Potnya of all Potnyas, grant us this wish; let our chiefs decide whether slavery shall persist in their domain or not. Let the pressure simmer off in Daevon rather than choke all holes of reason and let the empire erupt into chaos,” Isqa told her. The Rajmata was weary of their complaints, but their threat was true. As of then, the streets of Mamjul were choked by young people, Daevites, free and slaves. The call for emancipation was strong, from Yaisti to Irtu. Rajmata didn't want to be known to the descendants as the wicked woman who ended such a sacred part of the empire, but the price needed to protect it was too great for her to pay.
“Fine, I grant you your wish."