Dear Mr. Owlpede,
I hope this letter finds you, and that you are well when it does so. Thank you for your application to Deer College's Division of Magical Arts for a Bachelor's in Occult Horse Incantations. Unfortunately, there were many high quality applicants this year and Deer College was not able to find a spot for you in order to accept your application at this time.
While the College admires your pioneering spirit, one of the main issues is that Occult Horse Incantations is not a major Deer College actually provides. I'd also ask you to please not attempt to alter our online application forms or tell others how you managed to do so in the future, or else Deer College will be forced to consider out other options. Secondly, it is our understanding you are a librarian in the capital sense of the word, and do not believe you could actually attend due to your "previous obligations." Don't lose hope! I've put in a good word at your Library's Discera Multiversity; perhaps you can work something out with them?
Prof. Hieronymus Nosh
Magical Arts Division Head
✧ Ecce Homo Platonis ✧
Owlpede sighed after finishing his sweep of the letter's contents. All that stuff about majors and capitalizing was pretty confusing, but Owlpede was still determined! Clearly, all that other stuff was just because they didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying his written portion was poor. He felt in his heart of hearts (does he still have a heart? He'll ask Ayman about that later) that the rest of the application was full proof. All he had to do was figure out how to write good better.
That's where you come in. You're minding your own business until that strange Archivist from the Main Desk comes rocketing up out of nowhere. You don't catch a lot of what he's saying through the excited hooting/chittering, but you get the idea that he wants to see some of your work so he can be a better writer. You'd prefer to go find one of your more completed manuscripts from the Stacks, but he seems so hyper you're afraid of what will happen if you ask him to wait. Guess you'll have to use one or two of those unfinished ones you have on hand?
Welcome to Owlpede's Summer Sandbox Shebang!
This event is not a contest or a big SSS style event, but more of a chill time where we're inviting you to finish a draft that's been burning a hole in your pocket. Whether it's just a few sentences or it only needs just a few more sentences, all are welcome! Been meaning to edit or revise something you've already posted to the site? That's welcome too! An unfinished series rotting away? No author page for your pieces to call home? Give them some love! Even if you don't have a draft or piece you want to edit, you could collab with someone who needs help on their unfinished piece or start something for that idea you've never truly put the mind-power towards. Whatever it is, we want to help you sweep out those sandboxes and help you keep a cleaner mind for that next big project!
This event was partially inspired by the SCP Wiki's Deer College Spring Cleaning Event, thanks to everyone who ran that!
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Entries Consumed by the Owlpede:
↬Alert and Oriented x4, told by Stygian Blue
↬Back Here Again — I See the World on Stilts, told by Stygian Blue
↬Tales of Creation - Myth, Truth & Other, told by Arclund
↬Harkonnen and Ankulus, told by FleshMaddAvalon
↬respiration of a haunted house, told by stellyfins
↬Arclund Bestiary Entry 1, told by Arclund
↬Moth and the World, told by Stygian Blue
↬Presque Vu, told by AKAM80
↬Industrial Kelp Farming Redux, told by Stygian Blue
↬Fisticuffs Under Cherry Blooms, told by Stygian Blue
↬Four Flush, told by AKAM80
↬Painter's Wish, told by Steven Choros
↬Neither Steel nor Bullet, told by zipzipskins
↬Machinations, told by Din-Bidor
↬Into Its Heart I Beat Again, told by lzhoudidion
Congratulations Wanderers! Owlpede seems much more confident in his next application, and you managed to complete some of your dustier pieces in the process! Now you feel relaxed, refreshed, and prepared to start something new. Ah, but you are here for rewards are you not?
Critique Awards
A big shoutout to everyone who did crit for all the pieces in this event. Here we've listed everyone by the amount of pieces critiqued. Honor be upon all ye critters!
One Piece: Din-Bidor, lzhoudidion, Utylike, XIngHenry_, Arclund, LAN 2D, meltedbee, Snapdragon133, NotAnOligarch, ch00bakka, and Nona Acheronta
Two Pieces: Gawain777, FleshMaddAvalon
Three Pieces: Stygian Blue, zipzipskins, and Vishardsh
Five Pieces: AKAM80
Thank you for your dedication to helping the site run smoothly! Everyone here who critted at least one piece has been given the "Crit Creachur" role, and Akam's role has been upgraded to a "Bronze Crit Creachur" !
Extra Awards
These are like bonus stars in Mario Party — ultimately they're arbitrary things that have no bearing on the winners, but real ones know they mean everything. (Thanks to Styg and Ava for helping me think of these this time around!)