song for the man who threatened to assault me in a target parking lot
rating: +15+x

there is a crack in
the crust of the
earth spreading
from north to
south, and if you
listen closely at
night you can
hear weeping and
wailing and
gnashing of
teeth from deep
below. here we
see its newest
creation, a greasy
beast covered in
sticky black mud who
would crush a
child between
its jagged teeth for
daring to breathe its
air. witness the
stars cower in fear as
it claws its way
out of the
depths, the blood in
its matted
fur glistening under
the light of the
full moon.

i wonder if you were ranting
to your wife about me
as you sped off
in your white chevrolet tahoe.
i wonder if she could tell
that you were glaring
under those sunglasses.
i wonder if you were still steaming
as you pulled into your driveway.
i wonder if you stormed
into your house
and grumbled to yourself
as you sat down
to watch the news
with a miller lite in hand.
i wonder if she tried
to tell you that it was alright.
i wonder if there were children
playing outside.
i wonder if they laughed
and cheered
under the june sun.
i wonder if their parents
talked about how lovely
the weather was,
not a cloud in sight.

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