Join This Site

Before applying, read the Orientation!


Write something short below, explaining that you would like to join and why, then submit the application. It should be processed soon. Any reason for joining is okay! Some simple rules:

  • As this is a primarily English-speaking site, please keep your applications in English.
  • Please use proper spelling and grammar in your applications.
  • No roleplaying in your application

This website contains mature content. Please do not apply if you are younger than 15.

You need to have a account and be signed to apply for membership.

if you already have a account


it is worth it and is free

Once your application has been accepted, you should receive a notification on your Wikidot account saying as much in your applications section. If it says you've been accepted, congrats! You're now a member of the Library and can vote, comment, and create pages. Consider making a post introducing yourself in our Introductions Thread, or hitting the Recommended Reading List. If you have any further questions about what to do here, where to find content, or what kind of content to contribute to the site, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you have applied and not been accepted within 48 hours, please send a Wikidot PM to Rounderhouse. Your PM should say that you have a Library application waiting to be accepted. Be sure to mention that you're applying to the Library specifically!

Don't worry, you're NOT bugging us. This is for our convenience. You don't have to send a PM, but if you don't, you might not get accepted very quickly!

If you have any problems applying, or if Rounderhouse doesn't accept your application within a few days, try one or all of these staff:


You can also ask around in chat (click here).

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