Narrated by Fraizwrite
The Shelf of Kings:
- King Spear the Unifier (12BU-0AU)
- King Shield the Protector (0AU-11AU)
- King Stone the Stubborn (11AU-33AU)
- King Snowflake the Singer (33AU-81AU)
- King Flame the Insane (81AU-85AU)
The Shelf of Heroes:
- Sunglow the Scavenger (11AU)
- Root Snowflake the Pacifier (27AU)
- Steelbark the Broken (33AU)
- Treetop the Prospector (37AU)
- Deathwatcher the Sacrificed (85AU)
- Scout the Adventurer (86AU)
- Melodies of the Plant Kingdom (Compiled 214AU)
- Lands of the Plant Kingdom (2nd Edition, Compiled 85AU)
Writing your Own
The Plant Kingdom is open to any who wish to tell their own stories set in the world. Though with some guidelines:
- It is recommended to send drafts by
Reasonably Psychotic to review for in-universe accuracy and immersion. (PM sandbox or doc links for review.)
- Be careful when including existing main characters. If in doubt send a PM.
- Songs from published stories should be added to Melodies of the Plant Kingdom above.
- Monty Python references are encouraged.
Reasonably Psychotic
DrJohannes For translating this page to French.