Super solium eius a terra, omnia custodiet Fraser
"From His Throne above the earth, Frazer watches all"
In the beginning, there was nothing, save for that which there was. And that which there was had a name. The first name, and the greatest of all names. The name that existed before the universe, and would live on long after it. The name of he who-spawned-the-universe-full-born. The name of the one and true God.The name of the All-Father, and creator of the earth, the sky, and the ocean. The name of the king of the highest of all the heavens.
The name was Frazer.
What motivated Frazer to create all that is, we will never know. Perhaps he grew bored of existing in the darkness before time. So, the first thing that Frazer formed in the darkness was time. At the moment ( "moment" and “first” are time words, so they don’t make sense right now. Right now is also a time word, and does not make sense either) there was no time. All the events happened at the same moment.
Growing bored of this, Frazer pulled that single moment out until it stretched all the way to the far future. With as little effort as it would take you or me to pull a rubber band, Frazer pulled time into existence.
That was Frazer's first gift to the universe. The gift of time.
Frazer's second gift to the universe was light.
In the icy dark that was the infant cosmos, Frazer felt a shiver run down his spine. All over his body, a chill like nothing ever felt before in the short history of everything. Frazer knew that nothing could survive in the cold, so he created the stars. Taking strands of his hair, Frazer twirled it into a tight knot. So tight a knot that as he undid it, it caught fire. A fire so cosmically epic that it gave birth to both heat and light. After repeating the process a number of times, Frazer had produced the stars that hang above you in the night sky to this day.
Satisfied that he had created enough torches to light all his universe, Frazer realized that the stars needed to be rewound, or they would die out.
For a time, he respun them himself. With his own hands, he tied every individual sun in the cosmos. However, the process did not leave Frazer with enough time to follow his other passions. He found that he would spend all day, every day, spinning suns back up. The moment he finished retying one, another would come undone. So, Frazer found himself in a problem that even he, as the almighty creator of all, was unable to solve. If he chose to stop spinning them, it would be a universe without stars, there could be no light. No warmth and in its place a constant frostbite. On the other hand, Frazer did not want to spend every day until the end of days relighting the stars.
So, in his perpetual enlightenment, he arrived at a solution.
With a wave of his hand, Frazer took a small slab of space dust. He shaped it, as one might shape clay, into something that resembled what we know as a human.
He gave the thing the lightest, and fairest hair that would ever be seen. He gave it a voice as pure and perfect as the light of all the stars. He gave it a mind as sharp as any blade.
Then, at last, he gave the thing life. With a tap of his hand, Frazer transferred a speck of himself into this new being. Its eyes opened, and like an attentive dog to its master, it was ready to listen.
With what were the first words ever spoken, Frazer addressed the being.
"You," he said to it, in his holy call, "will be my star keeper. Till the end of time, it shall be your task to keep the stars burning. Not once shall you fail in your task. Do you understand?"
The being gave a simple nod back.
Happy with his work, Frazer said, "Good. Then let it be known that Grace, will forever watch over the stars."
And with the creation of Grace, Frazer gave us his third gift. The gift of Life.
As Frazer watched over his universe, he felt that something was missing. He looked at the stars, as Grace lit them. It was then that Frazer realized that everything seemed so… still. He had created the universe, but it was empty of anything that made it truly interesting. Like a blank piece of paper.
So, Frazer decided that he needed to fill the black universe with more than the light of the stars. Firstly, he created the great beasts that lived between the stars. Beasts so large and vast that they could survive in the dark depths of space without eating or drinking for millennia. There were dark creatures, whose role it was to devour worlds that did not bow to Frazer. To do so, he gave them long tentacles the size of stars, and mouths that could fit entire solar systems in them. Thankfully no world so far has refused his rule, so instead, the dark beasts lie dormant. Like clouds in the sky, they drift from star to star, dreaming and sleeping. Waiting until there master calls upon them to feed.
Finished creating things of darkness, Frazer began to form what we now know today as the planets. To do so, he created his second servant (if you exclude the dark beasts, who are more like pets).
Calling his next servant "Felix", Felix took the shape of a great white bird we would now call an eagle. Only he was the first, and largest eagle ever. Felix had wings the size of oceans and talons as large as mountains. His silver beak could consume entire cities in one bite. Of course, there were no cities at the time.
Frazer spoke to Felix, and said, "I task you to bring me all that I need to build my world." As any good servant would, Felix did as he was asked. With a single swoop of his mighty wings, he was off. It took him many years, and he searched all of creation in those years, but in the end, Felix found all that was needed to make a world. He filled his talons with the ingredients and returned to his master. Felix was sure that he held everything that he needed to satisfy his lord. He was wrong.
When Felix returned to Frazer with what he had found and laid them at his master's feet, Frazer was unimpressed. At his feet lay stones, dust and water. Nothing more. Without saying a word, Frazer made it clear that he was unimpressed. Not wanting to fail his master and creator, Felix flew back into space to search for things that would truly impress his master.
Now, you may ask yourself where Felix could look for things. The universe was so young, and even more empty, but still Felix managed to find places to look. Once again, he searched all of creation. Twice as hard as the first time, he strained his eyes as he looked in the darkness of space. For twice as long, he looked across the universe.
By the time Felix returned, Frazer had decided that it would have been faster to create a world himself. Nevertheless, he was happy with what his servant had brought. He looked over the many things that lay before him. There was the beard of a woman, the tears of a fish, and the breath of a bird. You say that you have never seen these things? Of course you have not. Frazer used them all in the creation of the earth.
Of course, like all recipes, it took a number of tries to get right. Before he perfected the proportions of ingredients needed to create a world, Frazer had to try eight other times. On some tries, he put too much and the planet he got was far too big. Other times, it was far too small. These eight other attempts at planets became the other planets in the night sky above us. And with the world finished, Frazer gave us his fourth gift. The gift of the Earth.
Like an artist adding the final touches of colour to a masterpiece of a painting, Frazer finished his world. He looked at the peaks of the mountains and decided they looked naked. So he coated them in white snow. When he saw how deformed the trees looked with shiny red leaves, he changed them to a far more natural shade of green. He decided the ocean tasted too plain so he flavored it with salt. Of course, (as anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of taking in a large mouthful of ocean water will know) he added far too much.
With that creation of the abomination that was and still is sea water, Frazer decided that now was probably a good time to stop before he ended up making all fruit the flavor of dead flesh. So he left Earth as it was and moved on to populating it.
To create the first people, Frazer took clay from every corner. He took white clay, dark red terracotta, mud brown clay from river beds, and orange earthenware he found on beaches.
Frazer stood on the center of the land that would come to be known as Africa, but at the time had no name. He felt the cool wind offer him some relief from the sun that he was so sure would melt any creature he made from clay. Still, he knew the importance of faith and before he started, he wondered what his creations would be like? What would they think of him? Would they like him?
And for the first and only time in his immortal life, Frazer felt a feeling inside him that could not be described by any words yet developed (Few words had been at the time. After all, there were only three creatures alive; Grace, Felix and the creatures of the dark). A feeling that something was eating away at him slowly.
It was the first time anyone knew fear.
As Frazer shivered despite the warm sun above him, he pushed the feeling away and set his mind back onto the task at hand.
He set each of the types of clay he had found into two distinct piles on the sandy soil in front of him. Then, once he had laid each of them out perfectly, he took a step back. After checking over them each once more, he raised both his hands with his palms open and turned up. As he raised them, the clay rose with them. It rose and took shape. The shape of the first men and woman. For each color of clay sprung up one man, and one woman. But when they first rose, they were nothing more than sculptures. Their skin was hard as a rock, and just as lifeless. Their eyes were like the eyes of the dead. Their hair was dry. They did not move and stood perfectly still, with their faces forward and hands hung by their sides.
It was then that Frazer gave his fifth, final, and most important of all his gifts to mankind. To each of his clay children, he gave a spark of himself. A spark that grew into a fire of inspiration, of motivation, of awareness, of mindfulness, and consciousness.
Frazer's fifth gift to humankind was its humanity.