In the realm of the library, where the printed word reigns supreme, an enchanting discovery unfolded, forever altering our perception of these hallowed halls. Behold, "The Wanderer's Gallery," a mesmerizing realm nestled within the labyrinthine expanse of the library's Wing-EH 0.11. Step through the grand entrance, and with a slight turn to your right, a realm of wondrous art unfolds before your very eyes. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey where literature and imagination intertwine, transcending the boundaries of time and space.
This ethereal sanctuary beckons to all library patrons, inviting them to partake in a sensory feast of contemporary artistry. In a stroke of brilliance, the juxtaposition of intellectual pursuits and creative expression intertwines, fostering an atmosphere where minds and hearts can be captivated simultaneously. Prepare to be enthralled, for within these walls, the spirit of inclusivity thrives, eradicating any notion of elitism that often plagues the art world.
As you wander through this hallowed domain, a sight unlike any other unfolds before your eyes. Paintings, rendered in an enigmatic monochrome palette, grace the gallery's expanse. Yet, their enigmatic allure is not confined to their exquisite aesthetics alone. These captivating masterpieces possess an enigmatic origin, for they emerge into being by an unseen hand—Dr. Alexander Avenlee.
Intriguingly, it is believed that Dr. Avenlee, a figure shrouded in mystique, has left only a scant trail of records regarding their existence. Within the vast archives of the library, only fragments of information can be found, adding to the enigma that surrounds this elusive artist. Despite the limited knowledge about their background and artistic journey, the magical manifestation of their creations continues unabated. Could it be that this elusive artist seeks to communicate with the custodians of knowledge, whispering profound insights through their enigmatic creations? Or perhaps, they simply revel in the joy of crafting captivating wonders for all to behold. The true intentions remain a tantalizing enigma.
Each passing day unravels a new layer of enigmatic beauty within the Wanderer's Gallery. Like clockwork, additional artworks appear, birthed by a force beyond our comprehension, as nightfall envelops the library in its mysterious embrace. The librarians, awash with anticipation, eagerly await the unveiling of these spectral masterpieces, ready to be transported once again into the realm of wonderment.
As we stand on the precipice of discovery, the Wanderer's Gallery becomes a beacon of infinite possibilities, a testament to the boundless wonders that lie within the realm of art. Let us embrace the enigmatic strokes of Dr. Avenlee, cherishing each manifestation as a precious gift from a universe where creativity knows no bounds. With bated breath, we stand united, eager to bear witness to the ever-unfolding tapestry of mystery and awe that awaits within this extraordinary gallery.
The first painting portrays the face of a flaming fox, the fellow patrons like to call it the "fire-fox". It closely resembles a small mammal native to the eastern wing of the library, it is well adapted to climbing shelves with its flexible joints and curved semi-retractile claws. As the painting suggests, it is also able to breathe fire, but are generally timid.
I wonder how the artist got this information…
The second painting portrays a mysterious creature from under the oceans, with a hard protective exoskeleton and five pairs of legs, three of which are long, including the first pair, which are painted much larger than the others. The creature's body is again very intricately designed.
Nothing suspicious about this one…
The third painting portrays the head of the largest living non-anomalous terrestrial animal, with intricate designs painted on the forehead, tusks and the trunk.
Their skull is resilient enough to withstand the forces generated by the leverage of the tusks and head-to-head collisions…
An Elephant ehh?
The fourth painting depicts another mysterious creature with 5 pairs of tentacles and a neatly painted scaled body.
Looks like it's some kind of monster.
The fifth painting depicts the same creature as the fourth one but with different body patterns and size.
I honestly don't know what those things are but they sure are creepy.
Ahh!! We all know this one!!
I don't think if this requires an explanation.
The one and the only….
But again… how does the artist know about them??
The seventh painting depicts an artificial water fall, where the flowing water symbolises the flow of time, wealth and positivity in the surroundings, and the three fishes symbolising greed, ego and negativity opposing the flow of water.
It is believed that the flowing water of the fountain reactivates stagnant negative energy, restores balance to the area and produces beneficial positive energy…
But again, it's just a belief….
Some of these paintings contain a message while the others are just random artworks.
"Mankind's greatest creation might be it's doom."
That thing does not look friendly.
The ninth painting looks familiar…, I've heard songs of a bard about a mysterious bird with seemingly only one wing. But dispite it being born with that condition, it doesn't stop it from flying freely in the vast sky. It strikingly resembles the ancient Pheonix in appearance and even possesses the Undying Flames, hence called the "One Winged Phoenix"
The artist knows too much… This is concerning.
Another manifestation!!
Looks like one of those creatures who reshelf the books in the library…
Or maybe it's something else…
Definitely some kind of murder monster.
We all know this one too!
Another multiple-legged Archivist!!
The artist has contacts with him too?
No…. That's not possible… Is it?
I used UncertaintyCrossing's art of Malaise as a base for this piece, their gallery can be found here: The Gatekeeper's Sketchbook
A mysterious manifestation…
A symbol that depicts an eye, enclosed in a triangle, meant to represent divine Providence.
This is the "ALL SEEING EYE"
The one who threatens all of humanity.
But not all humans are aware of this entity's existence.
The artist is definitely working for some anomalous organisation.
A cursed insignia of the jailors.
That's it!! The artist must be working for the jailors!!
"In the howling temple of the black moon's light
Five brave fools came in the night."
"The first gave flesh,
The second gave stone,
The third gave the power to move when alone.
The fourth gave life and the power to think,
The fifth gave nothing"
"for he paused,"
"and he blinked."
Taken from "A tale of five offerings" by minmin
The Sixteenth painting depicts the founder of the jailors.
Painting no. 17
The mask, the jailors have it contained.
Yet another evidence that the artist is working for the jailors.
But how is he able to teleport his paintings here?
Still remains a mystery.
The painting of a sword behind a shield
A black and white portrait of the artist himself, Dr. Avenlee.
"The inner demons…"
Maybe some entity contained by the jailors or just a random painting.
"The inner demons… Pt.2"
This artist surely loves monsters…
I assume this is the symbol of the Wanderers Gallery.
The twenty third painting depicts an intelligent extraterrestrial creature belonging to a technologically advanced species.
Cybernetic extraterrestrial robot.
"The inner demons… Pt.3"
More monsters.
"The twenty sixth painting depicts the thirteen most secret anomalous entities that controls the jailors."
"Hmm….. What is this?"
"I feel… Good….."
The artist's illustration of "the serpent's hand" logo.
Another depiction of a cybernetic extraterrestrial robot.
" The monster from the mirror."
"The ballington Butterfly, this one is one of the rarest species found only in the southern wing of the library, they can be easily identified by the intricate patterns on their wings."
The artist still is very suspicious…
Another butterfly painting, I assume the artist really likes them.
A distorted painting.
Not sure what this one has to say…
Is this a depiction of the tree of knowledge?? Or is it something else??
With many voices…
Just another poor soul contained by the jailors.
Archivist Antir Rhinum
Literature Archivist Network for 2 Dimensional beings.