The Kingdom of Elrich
Hard working and industrious, the people of Elrich call themselves the first settlers of this land. Their peoples can trace their lineage to a time before the scribes, when history was untold but for the tongues of the elders. First among their peers in culture, science, war, and peace.
Home of the Royal Kicker of Elves who wanders the land to lay his boot upon the elvish peoples. They are shockingly understanding, as well as Derixias Natheews, a brilliant inventor who was undone by hubris.
The famous Elra Bay, known as the "Bay of the Blind Fish" is the most well known and attractive portion of Elrich. Pristine water with lots of aquatic life living in harmony with their avian friends. Within that is the Great Elra Sandbar, at the mouth of the bay, keeps it safe for trading and has prevented seaborne attack of the palace for generations.
Northern Provinces of Elrich are collectively known as the 'Teba', home of the widest plains of their kingdom. The Ebic river is a geographic feature here, which is near the Boll hills and feeds into the Algon lake. None of these are in Elra but they would be only a few days journey away. The swamp is the furthest province of Elrich, known as the Riberta Swamp, and there have been wars with the mystic raccoon race for control of this area, which once nearly led to Elrich's greatest defeat but which became a national triumph.
Elra Royal Castle is the home of the royal cabbages and the families of royalty which have co-existed since time immemorial.
There are nine corners to Elrich, although nobody can quite explain why.
One of the most important things for any visitor to know is that the people of Elrich take the prohibition of vegetable consumption very seriously. Although you may be tempted to purchase some carrots or a beet at the open market, be aware that they are considered friends, not food.
Vegetarian restaurants do exist within the confines of the Kingdom, but beware that anyone caught by the royal guard in such an establishment faces certain doom in the dungeons below the Elra Royal Castle.
Art and science are prized among the Elrichian peoples and visiting their many museums will show not only their domestic creative output but those gained from others outside the Kingdom, whether through hook or crook. Heavy use of green and natural landscapes are cornerstones of their visual art, and one-story architecture with a homey simplicity is contrasted by the intricate brickwork of the Elra Castle.
The Royal Cabbage Gardens are the center of Elrichian political and religious life. Leafs from these well-kept veggies are sent to every temple in every town, while gaining the honor to meet the Gardeners and tour their works is the ultimate privilege. The people take very seriously their links to the veggies, and believe they have guided them to greatness.
As far back as people have lived upon the island Elra, there has been Elrich. It has provided not only the name of this land but shaped the cultures of all its neighbors and beyond. In the beginning, they were merely farmers and laborers content with hugging the coast and seeking but a meager existence.
It was then that the first King, Nadi, came to them from the sea. Claiming to be the master of all vegetation, it was he who forged the sacred link between the vegetative world and the coastal settlers. They pushed north, establishing their homeland and daring outsiders to throw them back towards the waves.
Although their wars with the mystics happened but a century ago, the peace in Elrich holds firm and despite their strength no other Kingdom has tried to engage in a contest of arms.
It is not proper to list the royal dynasties, as the heads of the Kings and Queens regularly roll at the pleasure of the Cabbage Garden.
Did Ya Know?
Although they have invested absolute power in their sovereign, there is a National Party which has been allowed to exist through various iterations, at the pleasure of the royal houses.
Recommended for all visitors.
The Majestic Celestial Imperium of the Oltonian High Tribes
A diverse and apparently highly bureaucratic warrior race, the Oltonian Empire prides itself for having a pen tip as sharp as their spear tip. The newcomers upon the Elran islands, they can be distinguished through their distinctly blue tinged skin. The Oltonian language, while guttural to the outsider, is quite well structured and beautiful to those who know what the words mean.
Oltonians are quite friendly and cheerful towards one another, even to those they have wronged or who have wronged them, for they know that if they try to exact revenge upon them then once the privileges afforded to them are reversed the vengeance can flow both ways. Feel free to walk into any home and take a seat at the table as though you were expected. An honored guest can be friend or stranger.
Generosity only goes so far though. If an outsider belongs to a group which has made war against or otherwise wronged the community as a whole, they will quickly turn upon them without mercy.
The capital city of Oltonoponos is a great sight to behold and is known for containing the world's most delightful cooked meats. Architecturally cubic, the palace and buildings are all mounds of clay and stone which have been polished to a near-mirror shine. Settlement is arranged around the city in carefully plotted rings, with thoroughly developed roads connecting them.
These roads are where most Oltonians spend their days, in transit. As their system of society causes them to have to frequently move, housing in all homes and even palaces is impermanent. So the roads are always well maintained and highly usable for all methods of transportation. Traffic jams are a rarity, and often a cause for criminal prosecution.
Due to the rigid structure of the Oltonian social hierarchy, utmost attention is placed on accurate record keeping and family trees. Because of this, there is an extremely high literacy rate among the population.
The Oltonian caste system is divided into four broad categories, with many countless ranks within them. Every member of the society slowly moves up the social ladder, while those at the top are cast to the pits of poverty once they reach ultimate power. Within the Oltonian social caste, carved out of both skill and bloodline, it is even possible for a foreigner to have bottom-middle placement in their society.
Many years ago, they sailed to the shores from the eastern seas, and conquered the city-states which had dwelled there. By doing so, they were able to acquire an extensive empire. Butting up against an existing powerful civilization, Empria, they are known for their aggression and for a large diversity in their subjects. They organize themselves in a method known as the Niedermeyer's Hierarchy, a strict caste system applied universally. The castes are moved up one degree every 11 weeks, so that no one set of peoples hold the leadership and power for too long. It is known that their mounted tandem riders are very fierce in battle.
Did Ya Know?
Oltonian currency is structured in layers, allowing for payment in either direct currency, specie, species, or augmentation of existing currency.
The Doltonian People's Republican Society of Fellows
The land of hills and cottages, known for robust citizens skilled in the culinary arts. The grain they grow in the fields between hills is said to be among the finest in the land, although they are not known to be the best at preparing their own harvests. The talents which once guided them have been swept into the dustbin of history.
If you are ever able to make a Doltonian look up for eye contact, then you have made a true friend. Downtrodden and melancholy are the firm nature of all Dolton residents; they look upon themselves as having permanently lost a golden age and now can only wait to finally fall. Fatalism is the overriding attitude of anyone you meet. If pushed, they will give away, until they do not even have the shirt on their back.
It has been agreed upon that one should not bully a Doltonian out of their home. Instead, it may be kinder to teach them some value of their state. If they have not been carved up yet, perhaps they still have a chance to make something of themselves. At least wipe that pathetic look off your face. Oops, sorry. We were imagining a conversation with a Doltonian.
Doloon Hill is where their current capital sits, the city of Maloon. Unwalled and unguarded, it stands freely one-hundred and twenty threbles in height. Sheer drops upon its edges have caused many accidents, with those attempting to climb up or out of it falling to a perilous conclusion.
Other than their majestic semi-cylinder hill, the other rolling hills are not notable. There are many well-kept graveyards with on-site historians who can guide you through the lives of every single denizen who live six feet under.
Once a proud and mighty culture, they have accepted their fate and know their glory days are in the past. Now it is merely a time to contemplate what may have been done differently and to record their culture in such a fashion that future generations will not abandon them.
Although they have already written the record of their greatest days, historians are still chronicling every aspect of their daily lives in the hope that perhaps some future generation will find something useful there. Oftentimes, they become bored of recording such trivialities and search for new places to chronicle. This is why it is sometimes said that historians, not any grasses or grain, are the main export of Dolton.
Dolton was once among the mightiest Kingdoms known to exist, fierce warriors who would just as soon stab as smile upon potential prey. That was long ago, before the arrival of the Oltonians. They vanquished the Dolton armies out of existence in battle after battle, until finally they were relegated to secondary status. Having now been partitioned twice in the first and second Dissections of Dolton, they rest as an uneasy buffer between Oltonia, Empria, and the glorious city of Grandia.
Grandia itself once served as the capitol of Dolton, but had long since seceded from them even before their valor was tarnished. Some have said that this event, the Secession of the Elders, is the true reason for Dolton's decline, as the denizens of its former capital looked upon the rest of their empire and found it to be lacking. Many Doltonians agree with this assessment.
Did Ya Know?
Although it is known for its many hills, the peak elevation in Dolton is the shortest of any Kingdom upon the islands.
The Kingdom of Suvia
A peaceful mining Kingdom where one's place in the world is measured by how much sweat has dripped from their brow. A population of grimy men and women who mostly mine cork and coral throughout their cork mines and their coastal coral colonies. They are a people of few words, who judge others by deeds.
Suvia is a rocky location with their highest peak being the Chewtooth Peaks. This is known as their primary tourist attraction, as the rest of their settlements primarily consist of homes carved from rock into the sides of cliffs and mountains. It is not recommended that tourists visit these mines, as the Suvian denizens have built up a resistance to mining gas and chemicals which outsiders do not share.
They are a rocky coastal people who are sandwiched between the Great Sea and the largest lake in the Elran islands, Lake Domintol. It is shared by Oltonia, Dolton, and Gamenia. Feeding out to the great sea on the Doltonian river, named for the two Kingdoms which have bordered it, they are in an excellent spot to send materials out to all other Kingdoms they can touch.
In Suva, the capital city, the only real sight to behold is the Grand Clock. It keeps the most perfect and accurate timetable of any other measurement of life's passage. It is the tallest and largest clock tower standing in any place, a grimy but shining statue of metals and timber. The ticking can be heard from the cities edge and all those who live within its sonic range structure their life without need for sundials or mechanical tick-tocking calculation blocks.
Thus, it is the center of their industrial scheduling. Every home is a part of a factory taking the materials mined throughout their kingdom and turning them into polished goods for trading.
A curious primary export of Suvia is their clock towers, shipped in pieces to the largest cities of the island. They have the curious and magical property of always keeping the right time, coordinated to the Grand Clock.
Although they may appear to be gruff at the outset, the Suvian people appreciate commerce and any tourists who grace their land with their presence. Tourism is a small part of their trading system. This is often a point of shame for the Suvian people which they will be hard-pressed to admit. If you ask a Suvian to tell you their story, they might sit you down and instill the tale of their family into your ears.
They are also known for their ornate wedding traditions which are among the most elaborate of any known bonding rituals.
It is said that the Suvians emerged from the ground, digging their way up from the holes which their descendants would one day burrow back down into. They have carried on their existence as a humble people, spreading from coast to coast until making contact with the Elrichians to the north and the Doltonian River to their south.
Although they have warred with Elrich, peace currently reigns between the Kingdoms. Their royal dynasty, the house of Rasmulin, has been heading their Kingdom for five generations and by all accounts has ruled wisely and fairly.
Did Ya Know?
It is customary for the Suvian town councils and leaders to name their locales in terms which end in "-side", such as Hookside and Lodgeside.
The Grand Imperial, Final in Known History, City-Nation, Legal Corporatific Entity in Court Jurisdictions on Elyrian Island
It has been said that those who reside within Grandia are the oddest in appearance of any Kingdom throughout the land. Marriage and childbirth is strictly regulated by the city Elders, and as such all denizens can trace their lineage to those lucky few who founded the city.
The Grandia city fathers are selected from the oldest and most venerable denizens, a self-selecting leadership council whose membership is a tightly guarded secret. It is very possible that the old men wandering the streets muttering to themselves or counting how many fingers they have could be the ones calling the shots, but this is unlikely. They probably reside in the Senate Grandia House.
Unless staying in the Tanishib Hotel, you will not find lodgings in Grandia. They are happy to take your money, but they do not like interacting with outsiders unless being paid. They have everything in the universe going for them, so the attitude goes, so why should they ruin it by taking in some rubbish thoughts from outside the Wall?
A huge city-state with gates which have never been beaten down. If one is lucky enough to see them throw open the doors, then they would be greeted by the height of luxury. The Tanishib Hotel is known to be the finest establishment in existence with a view that allows the glimmering delights of Grandia to be taken in at once. Every structure is a feast for the eyes.
Outsiders may visit the Carnival Grandia, a lavish fairground full of constant celebration. Every game is openly rigged, but there is always a chance of victory. One in every one-thousand balls will land inside the sharks mouth, and if you can land the ball on the target you win back your wagered baby plus one more. Of course, the rides and attractions are unparalleled. Outside of this, the Devinshire Cafetorium serves imported delicacies from the entire island, at a price.
For the traveler on a budget, you may not even be welcomed inside the gates. Admire it from afar as you pass by on your way to other, more affordable destinations.
Decadent desserts are one of the proudest dishes Grandia has to offer. If one is ever hungry for a bowl of ice cream served on a silver platter, with milk and cream derived from only the highest quality udders and gold leaf adorning the richest of chocolate sauces, they've come to the right place.
It has been said that they occasionally let new blood in if you can buy nobility from the corporate entity of the city, whom they all worship and the city fathers declare as the true leader of Grandia. It is known as the Overlaw Grandia Holdings Trust, and it handles all financial and trading aspects of the city.
Grandia was once the capitol of the Grand Doltonian Empire, which controlled much of the eastern Elran island. The city itself grew to outclass even the empire it led. They viewed themselves as the true class of master traders, guildsmen and warriors. Why pay for the rest of this empire if they were merely taking away from the City, was the attitude of the time.
They have prospered, and grown more insular over time. No longer wielding a mighty militia, they protect their independence through their unmountable walls. Many armies have tried, but they hardly made a dent in that outermost layer of defense. Ancient as they may be, it is one of the few great expenditures the City Elders have never failed to maintain.
The Grandia Trust was formed along with their declaration of secession, as the Empire of Dolton's central bank no longer suited their business. Its operations are a closely guarded secret.
Did Ya Know?
Although once boasting the finest shipbuilders of ancient days, this is long past. Alas, the Pastry Kingdom is landlocked and does not maintain a navy.
The Emprian Union of the Four Dueling Empires
They have raccoons who went to war with Elrich in the recent past from a rouge state in the empire! It showed that Empria's bureocracy is decrepit and it is losing control of its border provinces/client states.
Emprian is a sprawling land of many cultures and dialects. The people all speak at least two languages, one of the four primary languages and a subset dialect, and the constructed Emprian Tongue speech. This mandatory bilingualism allows the many different aspects of the Empire to communicate with one another.
Neighbors here are commonly suspicious of one another, but more trusting of an Emprian than an outsider. Expect to be ripped off multiple times, but never unfairly. An Emprian takes pride in that thieving is unknown in their land. It is not necessary. To make an honest dishonest living one must only fleece the many travelers who pass through the massive territory to other parts or parts unknown.
You can find all variety of folks within Empria, kind and mean, weak and strong. All willing to bet on anything, and take a chance on anyone.
As the magnitude of the Emprian Empire makes describing the numerous sights and places within their borders difficult, here is a presentation of four majestic sights and locales which can be found in each of the four divisions of the Empire.
Imperia: The Long Barracks, the headquarters of the Emprian military, currently reside in this structure. Stretching the length of ten armies, with fortifications which would menace even the bravest warriors. Inside is a microcosm of the Emprian Culture, with only the common tongue being spoken to prevent mutiny. Admire from a distance, as military secrets are kept here and trespassers tend to end up with their head on a pike.
FourSigil: The Mooninide Telescope is build upon the Snowcap peak, and allows closer inspection of the stars than any other viewing lens. It is said that the telescopes in Elrich are of a higher quality, but do not say this in front of an Emprian and especially not in this imperial division.
Sibertenus: The Iced Graveyard is a battlefield memorial to when the Final Oltonian Invasion was halted in its tracks. The Emprian military was only recently united and had no chance in a head-on battle with the Oltonian forces. Thus, when winter came, the enemy was baited into a charge onto thin ice, where they met a watery grave. The preserved remains of drowned armies can still be seen through the now much thicker, totally transparent ice.
Khezikian Peninsulas: The natural wonder of the twisted lights which dance in the sky can be seen most clearly in Khezikia, with viewing platforms being the Empire's most attractive tourist destination. It is said that one may see the faces and hear voices of ancestors long past, whispering advice on what the future holds. The colorful sky displays are a vexing nether which cannot be explained, but are easily admired.
Everything in Empria is decided by chance and competition. The Dueling nature of their four dynasties means that games of chance and rivalries are the only way to secure long-term dynastic success. The gambling of their years in power spreads downward to the lower political echelons and even to the common people. In place of direct commerce, it is common for the Emprian merchants to gamble their way to trading success.
As they are all practiced and seasoned gamblers, every Emprian down to the littlest baby knows when to hold them and when to fold them.
Although the tangled web of the four Imperial histories could fill a compendum on their own, the abbreviated version of their convergence is thus: Four Kingdoms near one another: The western Imperan Empire known for its warmaking, the isolated Princely State of Foursigil, The near-tribal Sibertenus confederation and the Khezikian Peninsulas Kingdom were all descendant of the same cultural background. The great travlers had moved across the plains they shared and spread themselves among them to start their respective Kingdoms. Thus, in the Year of Unification, they signed on to become the Emprian Quadri-Empire.
Each one would take turns ruling with the crown, and dictating the policies of the Kingdom. A new capitol city, Impariotus, was constructed within a reasonable distance from all four crown cities so that the ruler would be able to make haste in taking their turn. It has been an uneasy balance with a few civil wars thrown in, but one which has held for many centuries.
Their most recent form of strife was the Mystics War with Elrich. A band of enchanted raccoons, known as the Teban Mystics, believed their homeland should entirely be in Emprian hands and not split between them and Elrich. These warlocks of fur and fury took it upon themselves to instigate an uprising and then launch a war which devastated much of Northern Elrich. However, the Elrichian forces rallied at the Battle of Cowbird, in which a cowbird was said to shown the Elrichian army a weak spot in the Teba-Emprian army.
It took until this for news of the conflict to reach the Emprian Emperor, who decided his turn would not be entirely taken up by this war and sent an army to quell the Teban Mystics. With Empria and Elrich both against them, they were quickly crushed and peace was resumed.
Did Ya Know?
Although Empria's decentralized state has caused them to enter into wars accidentally, they have never accidentally made peace.
Grand Kingdom of Gamenia
Gamenia is a hilly land with stocky people, built for climbing and known chiefly for their baked goods. It is the standard to which all others hold themselves, and something the Gamenians take as a matter of life and death. Bread and man live together side by side as equals.
Love is hanging all throughout the air of Gamenia. It is taken very seriously by all who dwell there and the thrill of courtship can be found in all corners. Do not fall in love with a Gamenian, unless you are content to fall in line with their ways and never return to your homeland. The bonds Gamenians forge are almost always for life, in love, friendship, and business, and are all strong.
Gamenia is a flat land with only one peak, Mount Drusildus which lays on the border with Empria. It is an unconquered peak, not merely due to its height but also to the crumbling state of its surface which makes a safe passage over it nearly impossible. Many have tried, but few dare these days.
A long panhandle, stretching from their flat main body towards the Great Sea, allows them to serve as a sort of buffer between Elrich and Suvia, although the latter still consider the former to be their true northern neighbors. This handle is home to the only cinnamon mines on Elra. Locating them right by the sea and two hungry Kingdoms has meant great trade for Gamenia.
In Gamenia, bread and baked good are akin to vegetables in Elrich. After baking in the highest-quality ovens, bread and rolls gain names and roles in Gamenian society. Teaching the bakers how to prepare goods without souls, so that they might spread good practices to other lands. In this way it is unique from Elrich, for those vegetable loving peoples believe that all veggies everywhere share that holy state.
For bread death, traditional funeral arrangements are to slice the deceased and place them into a drawer for viewing. Mourning periods can last for weeks to years. The close-knit bonds of love in Gamenia mean that it is not possible to recover from such a loss easily.
It has been said that Gamenia is defined by its relationships with other Kingdoms, which is fitting. Relationships are at the core of everything they do.
Gamenia was founded by a loaf, and has been ruled by bakers ever since. Once a province of the Doltonian Empire, they broke away to become their own Kingdom once the capitol of Grandia broke away. Funded by that Grandian self-secession, they fended off Doltonian attempts to reconquest them and made their own way.
Once dominated by Grandia, they now live a more independent life by trading with all of those who cannot afford to do business with the grand city.
Did Ya Know?
The smuggling of live bread to Grandia is rumored to be a delicacy of their nobility, leading to tensions between the city and the bakers.
Floating and Impenetrable Kingdom of the Cayle
It has been said that the denizens of Cayle are on a permanent vacation. This observation is not lost on the locals, who cultivate such a reputation to drive trade. Although a natural wonder to behold, the small population and lack of natural resources would have damned them to conquest if they were not an island people. Now, they are able to leverage that isolation to bring in others.
Welcoming and hospitable, the Cayle peasantry, princes, and nobility alike will allow you room, board, and meals for a modest fee. They spend their time taking part in ancient rituals unlike any found on the mainland, and getting mindbogglingly intoxicated on the finest spirits ever distilled.
Under a rock-heavy sea, beneath the ocean sun, there is an island Kingdom like no other. Only accessible by boat, it takes a seaman of great skill to access this isolated domain. But, the difficulty in navigating the salty seas and rocky shores is well worth it, for the kingdom is one with a wonderful history and interesting customs.
The Rocks of Garganton have smashed many a sailor who did not succeed in navigating their teeth. Explorers have made fortunes from mining the remains of the ships.
Coastal resorts allow easy access to the many beaches once you make it ashore. The sand is finer and cleaner than that found anywhere else. Black and pleasantly scented, it cleans the feet and enriches the toes.
One of the most curious rituals is the famed "Pineapple Manhood Rituals of Majestic Uprising." It is how boys are symbolically upgraded to the status of men and allowed to journey to all corners of the land they inhabit.
Placing only a pineapple upon the head, they are directed inside of a cave. Once there, they must endure trials and tribulations without losing the fruit or spilling too much of its juices. The stalactites and mites will be thrown against them, flash floods will make sure they are buoyant, and a cave troll will test them on arithmetic. If they can make it to the other side intact, they are considered adults and given a small business to manage.
Cayle's history is a mystery, and indeed it was not known until a few hundred years ago when settlers from Elrich made their way to its shores. Finding the locals to be charming and friendly, an alliance was formed. Elrich would facilitate and support trade, in exchange for exclusive merchant rights and free vacations for Elrichian royals.
They believe they are descendants from the many fruits which washed ashore in the time before anyone had found it. Sprouting up from these discarded foodstuffs, they fermented them to create the first foodstuffs. Alcohol made from the same frame as men means they make carefully sure that their spirits are second to none.
Although the merchant exclusivity is long gone, they still maintain a close trading and cultural partnership. The only land where vegetables are prized half as much as they are on Elrich is Cayle.
Did Ya Know?
A bottle of Cayle's sand mixed with fresh water makes for a refreshing tonic, sold in Cayle's many shops as Boc-A-Ola.