Tome A - Craters
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Craters are a phenomena that occurs when any force is strong enough to create a hole within the ground on soil.

Craters dip into the earth. They mold their own form so that they can fit into the pre-established ground laid out for them. As they crush into the ground, it forms around it, caressing its skin gently.

Craters leave a mark on the world which cannot be taken back. Once it implants itself, it cannot be changed anymore. It is stuck in that position until the end of time.




People are emotional trainwrecks created to cluster themselves into the plane laid out for them.

People touch other people. They feel each other and begin to love and hate and neutralize and exist. As they talk to each other, they affect each other in ways only the bond between them can truly comprehend.

People touch other people. They impact their lives. As they touch and feel, they invoke happiness, sadness, warmth, dread. They do this in such a way they cannot ever take back. When they touch, they can never distance themselves again.




Groups are multiple people who manage to share the same opinions which change on the daily.

Groups can see other groups, yet they often choose to stick to themselves. They laugh together, they cry together, at 3 A.M. they may even regurgitate together. They form around each other to keep enjoying themselves. Together.

Groups are tight-knit. When one person does something, they all do it together. When one person fucks up, they all fuck up. And when you wake up in a prison cell next to a man who can't remember his own name, you realize that groups cannot move away from each other.




Jailors only have one purpose in mind with what they do in their lives: they live to contain.

Jailors do not talk to others. They force everything around them to compile to their strict needs. They take things they don't understand and lock it into a box where others won't see it out of fear of losing themselves. They're trapped within themselves.

Jailors do not care for how they hurt others. As the little girl who simply had no friends gets locked away with her screams daunting the empty halls, they turn their heads and lock the gate. And as the girl screams, her pleas are overridden by the choice made by others they cannot take back.




Jailors have a second purpose: they work to understand and improve.

Jailors may talk to others sometimes. They may try to not be so strict when they do their actions. As they understand the girl more and more, they grow to accept her and help her overcome her pains. They learn to live.

Jailors can let things go after they contain. They can take out the anomalies, the craziest items in the world, and help them get better. And once they get better, they can be walked out of the unknown back into a place the can recognize. Jailors can change.




Groups are multiple people who care and love each other regardless of their differences.

Groups can talk to others freely. They can speak and love each other regardless of differences. They can see other groups and learn to live and to love. They can interweb and tangle into each other and form bigger groups with no fear.

Groups can be bad for you. They can try to make you do things you don't want to. When that happens, you can simply walk away. You don't have to stick with them despite the precedent that you must. Groups can change.




People are a species designed to change themselves as they overcome the troubles of living and loving.

People don't always have to be connected. They can distance themselves away. They can learn to become one with themselves and enjoy the quiet motions of life. They can choose to not move in their lives.

People can still touch others. They can feel and love and break and destroy. Yet, despite that, it is not permanent. People can take back what they said. They can move on from the words which hurt and live on despite it. People can change.




Craters are nothing more than a hole in the ground.

Craters do dip into the earth, but the earth is constantly changing. Craters simply morph the world even more than what is already done. Everything changes no matter what, and one little crater won't change anything about that.

Craters leave marks, but they can always be covered back up in dirt. Everything is always changing, and at the end of the day, craters are nothing more then a change. Change is everywhere. Change is everything. Change is the thing.


Tome A, as told by Amera Synthelia:

"See, I am doing a new thing!" Isaiah 43:19

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