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…Eight hundred and seventy million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and five vessels of skesh in the trough, eight hundred and seventy million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and five vessels of skesh,

Pull one out, shake it about, eight hundred and seventy million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and four vessels of skesh in the trough.


Bored! Bored bored bored bored bored bored. Boring boring bored bored. I am so scratching BORED! Something HAPPEN already!

No new transmissions? Nothing? At all?

…Eight hundred and seventy million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and four vessels of skesh in the trough, eight hundred and seventy million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and four vessels of skesh,

Pull one ou-

Incoming transmission.

SHIT! YES! Throw it on! Run it!

Playing transmission…

Kshhhhh… bzzzZZZzzzshhh…

Come on. Come onnn… it’s almost through! I can hear it!

KshhhHHHHHzzzzzZZZ… zzzzzttthhhhhhink of the other creeds, children! Think of the other creeds and beliefs that PERVADE this world! And know you this, each one of them is FALSE!

(Thunderous cheering.)

Uh oh. It’s one of these ones.

You heard me right, children. The Peganites and the Twenty-Two-Fold Path, Merodachism and the Children of Vigrid-Ur, the lot of them are false teachings! The only true faith… is faith in The FATHER!

(More cheering. It sounds like thousands of people are in attendance at this sermon.)

Yep, these ones are all the same. Every other civilization in the universe seems like it has one. And it never ends well for them.

The Father alone knows what is right for you! No other path, I say again, NO other path can bring us to true happiness but His own! And I’ll tell you why!

‘Cause Father Dearest is the only dispenser of the true doctrine.

It’s because all these other paths have their rules, their laws, THEIR commandments, but what lovin’ higher power would restrict its children in these ways? No! The Father, children, has only ONE commandment- to do as comes naturally to you!


Um. What?

Think about it, children! These other creeds, they RESTRAIN their followers- with their codes, their doctrines, all of them to TIE DOWN them that hold faith! And look where that gets them- lives gray and empty! An ever-present TERROR of breaking the law, lest they be PUNISHED!

(A video clip of a city in flames. Buildings are collapsing, and the sky is tinted red.)

Following these commandments is unnatural! It drives them to war over how the laws should be followed! It brings division, oppression, SUFFERING! I ASK AGAIN- WHAT KIND AND LOVING GODS WOULD MANDATE THAT?

Well… this is an interesting change of pace.

But The Father… children, The Father doesn’t ask for anything of the sort. He asks one thing, one thing and you’re His follower. It’s to do whatever it is that comes naturally to you!

(A video clip of the same city as a garden paradise, with rivers, hills, and beautiful plants weaving between the towering, elegant pavilions.)

When you do what comes naturally to you, children, THAT is the path to real happiness! And to give them real happiness, is that not the goal every parent has for their children? Art, culture, truth and beauty, they all come not from laws and commands, but from what comes naturally to us! Our innate natures bring the best of civilization into reality!

The perfect world is one in which all of us, The Father’s children, have attained real happiness! A world in which we all do what comes naturally to us! To prevent that, to withhold a mortal from doing what is natural for them, is the paramount evil! And to show your fellow children the will of The Father, to reveal to them the righteousness of acting as is natural to them, is the most noble pursuit! On the day where every mortal, every child of The Father, is doing ONLY what comes naturally to them, THAT is the day when Utopia has been achieved!

So GO FORTH, children of The Father! And do what comes naturally to you! For that is His one commandment, and in its execution He is glorified!

(The cheering crescendos.)

And now a word from our sponsors! Tenogad Nutrient Wafers, bringing you the highest-quality ingestible nutrient vehicles for any occassszzziiiiissssshhhhhKKKKKHHHT.

…Well, that was certainly something.

I wonder what’ll happen to those folks when it hits them that not everybody has good intentions for everybody else. It’s a little unfortunate, really. They’re so incredibly invested in a completely incorrect solution to their problems.

But I’m already outside their broadcasting range, and anyway it’s not my place to interfere. And if I did, would they even listen?

I suppose it can’t be helped. The doctrines are different, sure, but everything else? I’ve already seen that plenty. And that certainly can’t be helped.

All there’s to do is look in for a moment, and move on.

Same as lastdawn, same thing nextdawn.

It’s what I was made to do, I suppose.

Where was I? Ah, right. Eight hundred and seventy million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and four vessels of skesh in the trough, eight hundred and seventy million five hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and four vessels of skesh…

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